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Good grief

Post 41


KB, the same thought crossed my mind. Then I remembered teacher friends who are at the end of their tether with all the rules and regulations and paperwork. Perhaps not. There is a huge difference between doing what Rich did as a voluntary worker and doing it for a job.

Rich, honestly, if it wasn't real and such a pain for you, I reckon you could write a new series of Faulty Towerssmiley - biggrin.

I know what you mean about going in to top gear when you are passionate about something. The adrenaline kicks in and the words come flooding out. When you are doing something where you are going through the motions the *fizz* goes, doesn't it? I do envy you the rapport with children. I am afraid that is one area which I fail dismally. Don't know why.

I am amazed that no-one has discovered you yet and begged you to join them. You have so much to offer, like my son, and it is a criminal waste. This business of 'must' have a degree is a farce.

My charity has moved in that direction and the people they employ are simply on a career ladder, don't show the same commitment and don't stay long enough to really learn the job. It is a great shame. Staff have changed from committed people of long standing with a good knowledge of the work, staff and volunteers, to a business ethos. There was a camaraderie that is now lacking. Very sad.

If all else fails write a book or a screenplay on Faulty Towers lines and you might have a best seller. It sounds as if you would have enough materialsmiley - evilgrin

smiley - cheers
Websailorsmiley - dragon

Good grief

Post 42


Yes, I do understand that. "Teaching" is a bit of a misnomer nowadays, according to most of the teachers I know. It's just easier to say "teacher" than "Childminder/Referee-with-box-ticking-duties". It's a terrible shame, though. I was lucky enough to have one or two very good teachers at school, and so many talented people are put off by the non-teaching which is most of a teacher's job now.

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