This is the Message Centre for Skankyrich [?]

My Lovely Hawth

Post 1

Skankyrich [?]

I've been after a native tree for the garden for a while now, and, after seeing the spectacular hawthorns on the coast path this autumn, decided I had to have one. I've struggled to find one locally, but was on a mission firth thing this morning. I finally found one at the third garden centre I went to, and rushed home to plant it.

I've sorted out a nice quiet corner now, with the hawthorn in the middle and a few heathers and gorses around it, and am going to build some small insect habitats in the area as well. All I need now is the spring; I'm really excited about that part, as the bit adjacent is packed with bulbs (thanks to Venus!), so it should be quite a sight.

I wanted to give my tree a good, friendly name, too. At 11am this morning, I'd just finished digging and was ready to plant it, so I decided to call it 'Frank' smiley - smiley

If you want to see before and after photos of Frank and his new home, they're on my photo page at

My Lovely Hawth

Post 2


Nice choice. I like the hawthorns. You can eat the leaves you know, but they taste like slit.

My Lovely Hawth

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*whispers to the tree* Welcome Frank, may you be a sturdy as your namesake </>

That was a wonderful idea Rich smiley - smiley

My Lovely Hawth

Post 4


smiley - erm Now I have an image of a tree saying "It's the way I tell 'em." I think I'd better get some sleep one day soon smiley - headhurts

My Lovely Hawth

Post 5


*twigs* (no pun intended)

Ah - it's that Frank. *phew*

My Lovely Hawth

Post 6

Moving On

Its a lovely idea Rich; according to my Herbal Magick (with a "k") compendium it's ruiled by Mars and is an herbe of love; so its a very fitting memorial.

My Lovely Hawth

Post 7

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - erm When was the last time you had sleep, Alex? smiley - nurse

smiley - cuddle]

My Lovely Hawth

Post 8


*static* *hummmm* *whirrrrr* *click*

smiley - cake Alex is not here at the moment - please leave a message.


My Lovely Hawth

Post 9


The flowers of the May, lovely, as are the red berries left on the tree at the end of the year after the leaves have fallen.
You will be cursing the thorns mind when you try and prune it. At least I do when trying to cut back the hawthorn hedge at the back of the garden!

My Lovely Hawth

Post 10


Excellent for making a cow-proof hedge though! Hoof punctures needn't be a problem for the pond liner now.

My Lovely Hawth

Post 11

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Is Frank deep red, yellow or wishy-washy red?

You should have a marvllous insect and bird feeding sanctuary in your garden.
well done

AR1 smiley - schooloffish

My Lovely Hawth

Post 12


Hurrah!! I'm glad you managed to track one down Rich smiley - smiley
Ummmm...but i thought you would have named it Basil!! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

My Lovely Hawth

Post 13


Hawthorns are smiley - cool

We planted one a few years ago - Crataegus laevigata Paul's Scarlet - which is a double red.

My Lovely Hawth

Post 14


Nice tribute Rich. I look forward to seeing your garden grow!

Time is f lying so perhaps Spring will come quickly...please....

Websailorsmiley - dragon

My Lovely Hawth

Post 15

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - cry

smiley - cry

smiley - cry

I love you, Richsmiley - cuddle

My Lovely Hawth

Post 16

Skankyrich [?]

I've tried to find a decent photo on the internet of the version I have, but the best image is about 50x50 pixels. You'll just have to wait a year or so smiley - tongueout Or come and visit... smiley - smiley

I didn't know the magic(k) connection Evadne, but it does make it very fitting. For those of you unaware, Frank was the name of Galaxy Babe's father, who was cremated today at the same time that I planted the tree.

My Lovely Hawth

Post 17

Skankyrich [?]

Sorry, Annie, I didn't see that post. Love you too smiley - cuddlesmiley - bravesmiley - smooch

My Lovely Hawth

Post 18


I was'nt aware of the significance of the name.
What a lovely thing to do smiley - smiley

My Lovely Hawth

Post 19


Neither was I. Sorry to hear that, GB.

My Lovely Hawth

Post 20

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thank you smiley - smiley My lovely Dad was very proud of me and he loved H2G2 as well. He liked to read the front page entries even though he didn't always post, he usually mentioned them to me. The tribute on <./>thepost</.> front page is very touching and I'll tell my Mother tomorrow.smiley - ok

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