This is the Message Centre for giantgentlebear

hi ggb :)

Post 1


i must admit that i've read most of ur work, and if u ever consider opening a fan club , plz add my name in ur listsmiley - oksmiley - biggrin
look i have a small group together with russ jones, its called poetry. we made it for those who really have the writing skill, and can give constructive critics, we also have very interesting conversations within the group, so i thought it would be great to have u as a memeber, what do u think?
here's the link, and take a look at it
well whatever u choose am still ur fan smiley - tongueout

hi ggb :)

Post 2


thanks for kind offer which i smiley - biggrinhappily
i have been looking to join a group ,
but believe it or not bears get nervous in a crowd,where do i add paw print,
also thanks for very kind words about wordssmiley - blushsmiley - ok

hi ggb :)

Post 3


u're most welcome ggb smiley - smiley and u reall made me laugh about bears get nervous in crowdsmiley - biggrin, that was really funnysmiley - laugh
and one more thing, remember ur poem about iraq? it really made me feel shame that i didnt write one about iraq nor palestine, so i started writing a short story about palestenian people, a true story i heard on tv, just wanted to let u know that u really did sthsmiley - smiley
well hope to c u soon in the groupsmiley - winkeye

hi ggb :)

Post 4


do i just go to group page ,
can't wait to read your story' bears are timid creatures ' they really are ask cousin sooty ,smiley - bubbly

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