This is the Message Centre for giantgentlebear

bald hippy

Post 1


old bald peace loving hippy
who loves mother earth,
seeks dreadlocks to return.

bald hippy

Post 2


are you going to have dreadlocks ggb? that i would like to see. love, scarletdancerxx

bald hippy

Post 3


i had dreadlocks 24 inchs long but in fit of sacrifice cut off and burnt,
see sometimes we need to act to shed .
to me inside is wear my dreadlocks grow,
i dont need to wear anything or look like anything for others ,#
i am me bear...
sometimes the most precious jewels
are encased in peculiar shells
maybe god keeps all his treasures beneath
the surface,
thanks sorry about ranting on
old peacelover bearsmiley - kiss

bald hippy

Post 4


oh, i so see things the way you doggb. i am amazed how similar we think. maybe i don't have to be so private with you. i will see. you do not rant, you express your truth. i love to listen. love, scarletxx

bald hippy

Post 5


and i love to love
was that donna summers words.smiley - kiss

bald hippy

Post 6


donna summers, one of my favorite singers. especially macarthur's park rendition. but i only hear your words. love, scarletxxxjsmiley - magicsmiley - kiss

bald hippy

Post 7


oh those disco daze
smiley - fairy

bald hippy

Post 8


have you found the recipe,again? love, scarletxxjsmiley - magic

bald hippy

Post 9


no amount of rain could destroy that,
my heart is the recipe,
the world holds it in cupped thought.
above a scarlet headsmiley - kiss

bald hippy

Post 10


hope no one leaves the cake out in the rain. love, scarletxxjsmiley - wah

bald hippy

Post 11


smiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - magicsmiley - magicsmiley - magicsmiley - magicsmiley - cake

bald hippy

Post 12


you have left it out in the rain, i am shattered. scarlet

bald hippy

Post 13


they have all got umbrellas
and rain macs

bald hippy

Post 14


sorry, missed the umbrellas and macs. silly me! love, scarletxxx

bald hippy

Post 15


i shall spread my wings to keepyou dry.
smiley - magic

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