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alive scooby doo alive

Post 1


heres to to much red wine ,coal fires candles, and bieng human part stardust.
and alivvvvvvveeeeeee
lets all be alive tonight live what we write.

alive scooby doo alive

Post 2


That's the best suggestion I've heard so far, GGB. A new wine shop opened today in my town. Never knew italian wine could be so good- the guy gave me several samples and even showed me how to experience wine. 'Sip and chew it for 8 to 10 seconds before swallowing it'. Heaven. Absolute heaven. You get this explosion of Mother Earth on your palate and its indiscribable ecstasy.
Never knew you were supposed to eat wine, did you?


alive scooby doo alive

Post 3


wine normaly eats me.
heres to being eaten yum yum.
did you bring samples back?smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

alive scooby doo alive

Post 4


Two bottles Crianza La Mancha.
Exquisite!smiley - magic

alive scooby doo alive

Post 5


all gone or going i hope,smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

alive scooby doo alive

Post 6


Going, going ...gone!smiley - wah

alive scooby doo alive

Post 7


peaked so early.
still always afterflowsmiley - cool

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