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Post 1


bears lurcher demands run.
anybody liketh lurchers.

so many ghost stories?


Post 2


if you mean lurcher dog i am a border collie person myself....

I do like ghost stories.smiley - biggrin


Post 3


yes lurcher dogs,
had a lot of ghostly happenings ,
lived in many ancient houses.
nothing to fear.
do you herd sheep.smiley - laugh


Post 4


no sheep sorry
mine is a house pet and a lovable one at that...

would like to hear some of your ghostly tales as always been fascinated by the paranormal

smiley - ghost


Post 5


so many stories , in my present house we have
mystery footsteps that go to door then stop once twice week,
in same house have woken up with hand held by girl or boy in ringlets,i.e. hair,
have seen child playing with 3 rabbits side of road then vanished.
heard breathing plus crying last house where dog refused to go upstairs,other stuff present house
example, brother came to stay told him visitor back,
in other words ghost. turned all lights off.
to go out came back all lights on he went hone straight away,
i seem to attract lot of activity,
ton more stories to many.smiley - biggrin


Post 6


isnt it wierd how animals and children can sense these things... I've had a few weird experiences myself some i have recently found out were husband possibly sleepwalking??? but others were in teenage years. Get the feeling someone is watching over me have for a long time and when lived with parents had a shadow by front door in the shape of a person standing the otherside of obscure glass. it appeared after wierd dream of grimripper like person knocking on door turned round to tell mother someone was at door and when turned back he was in front of me dressed in black cape and every time i turned he was in front of me....when he lifted his head (as could only see hood) there was no face just a skull. Would have thought i had seen to many scary films and thought nothing of it but then as said shadow appeared and i felt was protecting me from what was in dream and stuff....when friends would stay shadow would go on the night they when home and return the next.... can not explain???? Maybe you could use this in your work? I might use it to i think.
When you have spare moments send me more tales (not right now) as like to read them....
(sorry so long winded)
smiley - kiss


Post 7


oky dokysmiley - biggrin

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