This is the Message Centre for giantgentlebear

scooby doo

Post 1


just started to choke on scooby snack,
lucky for me passing acrobat saved life
forever gratefull to the high wire,
dead head stickers,

scooby doo

Post 2


Oh GGB, scooby snacks, whatever will the Government have to say about that? I will, of course, be writing to my MP to complain that you have passing acrobats and I only have passers by, usually on the other side of the road.

Yours off to earn a crust.
smiley - cappuccino

scooby doo

Post 3


hope crust you earn is worthy of mummypenguins,
im just off back to bear slumber lazy bear,
have you seen disneys brother bear,
shapeshifters, you just never know,
have nice day ,smiley - winkeye

scooby doo

Post 4


Crusts are never worthy of any creature but they do fill a corner. Have a bad case of the glooms today - over full Inbox, endless meetings about nothing and no sense of a day well spent. However, am fleeing the country tomorrow for the day so need to get into smiley - bubbly and smiley - devil may care mode! Catch you later in the week.
MPsmiley - ok

scooby doo

Post 5


have good fleaing
and mode your devil well,
speak looter ,,smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

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