This is the Message Centre for gazzajanimal

Welcome to h2g2, gazzajanimal!

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Hello there, and a big hoopy welcome to h2g2, the Earth edition of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! I'm fords, one of the Assistant Community Editors (ACE) and I'm your offical welcomer. So pull up a chair and sip on your Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster while I let you in on the weird and wonderful world of 'hootoo' smiley - bubbly

First up is your user name, which you will have picked when you sign up. This will always be your login name, but if you wish to add a tagline to your name (like I have) or you even want to change your name altogether (but your login name will stay the same), simply click Preferences on the menu tab to access your user details - but keep it clean!

Now, your User Space is next - this is your 'home' on h2g2 where you get to tell people about yourself by either using plain text or GuideML - the Guide's very own markup language. For help with GuideML, visit the <./>GuideML-clinic</.> to help get you started. I'm not sure I have to go into too much detail here as to what to put on your User Space, but again keep it clean and please don't post links to commercial websites smiley - smiley

Maybe I'm just lazy, but I hate bombarding people with too much information in one go so I have compiled a page of useful information at A811874 for you to peruse at your own leisure, which I hope you find to be of use. But if you do have any more questions or queries, smiley - dontpanic - simply click Reply at the bottom of this message or click on my user name to leave a message on my Personal Space and I'll be more than happy to help smiley - biggrin

Above all, have fun - Share and Enjoy!

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Welcome to h2g2, gazzajanimal!

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