This is the Message Centre for Matt Edwads


Post 1

Stockport Libraries

I want to post a photo to a story that I have already submitted but it is not showing an edit option. The story says it is "an edited story" and has a yellow star symbol.
Can you help?
Many thanks


Post 2


Hi Stockport

No... I'm not about to solve your problem but just want to tag on to your coat tails and get an answer from the Team to my own and very similar problem.

All of my many stories have photos attached.

In one case, the story has been usurped by the Team and given the infamous Yellow Star and is no longer mine to edit.
I want add a photo... How do I achieve this?

Come on Team

An answer for both of us please



Post 3

Matt Edwads

Hi Ed,

Thank you for your query. We will only be able to investigate further if you send us the story title or the 'Axxxxxx' number of the story. Once I have that I can unlock the story for you to upload your photo. Hope this helps.

Kind Regards,



Post 4


Hi Matt

It's me again.

If you look at Message 2 you will see that I posted this query FOUR WEEKS AGO.

A response would be appreciated

Disgruntled from Cockfosters


Post 5

Stockport Libraries

Hi Matt
Thanks for getting back - I really would like to get this sorted before Christmas. The reference number is A5090311.

Many thanks


Post 6

Matt Edwads

Hi Ed,

I've changed the status and you can now ad your photo to this story.




Post 7


Hi Matt,

Please can you help me add a photo to my father's story German Surrender of Dunkirk May 1945 (A6546486).

Both my daughter and myself have followed the Picture Step-by-step instructions using the Edit link from my father's personal page. We have successfully added the picture and the caption but when we click either Preview or Save an MS Internet Explorer window pops up saying 'Please enter the story itself in less than 3000 words.' But it is already there!! Even when we paste it again the same message pops up.

Please help us get my father's picture - taken on 10th May 1945 at Dunkirk - onto the People's War website before the deadline!


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