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Scene from novel

Post 1


Susa squealed in excitement and grabbed Melarussion in a fierce hug that made him smile. Trying not to laugh he waved his hands at her, halfheartedly shushing her yells of happiness as Arussa's far away voice came to them again.

"There are rat creatures about, so we must be quick. Ne- Veh- nahh says-" but here the equine voice was suddenly cut off.

"Yes? What does Nevena say?" Susa called worriedly. They stood close to eachother looking around as if they might suddenly see Arussa appear in the room with them, but the Meshtor's voice did not come again.

"What hath transpired?" Melarussion asked quietly. Susa clenched his shoulder almost painfully.

"He mentioned Kobolds! Maybe..." They looked at eachother. Melarussion opened his mouth to say something but stopped as a final message came to them, so faint he almost didn't hear it.

"We are discovered!" the voice said and then faded away altogether.


Nevena and the Kobold screamed as the wave of darkness took them. The Dryad almost felt as though she had been swallowed up by a huge horrible monster. In desperation she grabbed at the guard in front of her and managed to grasp onto the end of his tail. They whirled together, spinning through the weightless blackness of a space without stars. Slowly, very slowly they came to a stop until they were no longer spinning but merely floating through what seemed like thick black water. A feeling of sleepiness gradually stole over Nevena, making her eyelids very heavy. She was just barely aware of the Kobold's hairy little hand feeling for her own. Without thinking, she took it and closed her eyes.

When she opened them again the blackness was gone. She was home back in her own tall pine tree and it was a beautiful spring day. "It was all just a dream!" she cried and laughed out loud. She heard a rustling next to her and knew it must be one of her sisters. "I have had the most frightening dream!" she said, turning to speak with her fellow Dryad. but instead of Lubiana's or Susa's face a Kobold looked back at her, his beedly little black eyes wide with surprise and fear. The poor little Gnome sat clinging to the branch they were on for dear life trying to look everywhere at once. His whiskers quivered as he emitted a small squeak and said,

"How did I get here?" He passed a clawed little hand before his eyes as though wondering if this were a dream and flinched as his steel helmet tumbled from his head to fall clanging down to the forest floor some thirty feet below them.

"I- I do not know!" Nevena said, very frightened now. What was happening? If this wasn't home, then where were they?

Scene from novel

Post 2


Without his helmet the Kobold didn't seem half so imposing. He had long, lank brown hair and human shaped ears. All the exposed parts of his skin were covered with short brown fur and as his pinkish nose and long whiskers bobbed, rabbit like, Nevena thought he looked almost....cute.

Scene from novel

Post 3


This is very well done, you've grabbed the genre by the throat it seems. I think Kobold is from tolkien isn't it? or perhaps i've heard it somewhere else. good. definitely consider working intoa fic on-site if you can be bothered.

Scene from novel

Post 4


Thanks Ishamel, this is actually from a longer novel that I might post. Kobolds are German Gnome creatures I think, not from Tolkien.

Scene from novel

Post 5


Hi Cenerue,
Sorry I haven't been in touch lately. This is just great! It's so 'you'. I agree with Ishmael's "genre by the throat" comment. Your imagination seemds to be boundless. I've lost count of the number of diiferent works you've produced with all of their own characters, fantastic names, creatures and, in some cases, languages. I'm in awe of how prolific and original you can be.
Keep it up,
smiley - fullmoon

Scene from novel

Post 6


Gee, thanks! That's high praise from a wonderful writer like you! By the way, talhack, have you got any other stories you'd like to submit for our next issue?

Scene from novel

Post 7


wonderful writer? I'll never get my head through the door now. I'm in the process of dusting off a few stories to send, but it's a bit like: "Gee, they seemed to like that first one, but what if I can't do that again!" Know what I mean? It's just a confidence thing.
I'm all growed up though and I can handle a rejected submission or two. I'll certainly send something. What kind of deadline are you working to?
Nice to hear from you again.

Scene from novel

Post 8


Oh well, our latest issue will be released very soon, at the end of February so the next will be released sometime at the end of April. You've plenty of time! smiley - smiley

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