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Allo allo allo

Post 1


Hi Sarge

I just wanted to say hi and thanks for commenting on my story 'Bad Girl' - I really appreciate people taking the time to read and offer an opinion on any of my work.

Will have a read of some of your stuff - I don't have any technical knowledge, so my crit might not be worth the screen it is printed on, but I can only offer it humbly...

Thanks again, read you later
smiley - fairy Shell x

Allo allo allo

Post 2


Hi Shell

Don't worry about the technical stuff, I don't have any knowledge of it either but your opinion on my on anybody else's work is very valuable. Your humble opinion is representing Joe public and should be accepted with gratitude. All I do is offer my opinion from observation not criticism and hope no-one is offended. Let me know when your next story is out and I'll definately read it.



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