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Post 1


Hi Sarge, answered your excellent critique of my Berlin ditty elsewhere.

Do you know : who BAOR was in Berlin in 1974 ?
Maroon Beret ('cherry berry') was for untrained troops ?
Training was in UK - so what level would they need to be at to be in Berlin ?

This realism feedback would be extremely valuable so I can get my (fictitious) facts right.

What is a better term than squaddie ?

Looking forward to a ripping yarn from yourself telling us about your exploits in a similar vein (???). (I seem to be stuck on ripping yarns).

Any writer worth anything welcomes constructive feedback like you gave to my story. If its wrong, its crap, so keep on being constructive but critical (watch peoples egos - but point them in the right direction) - thats what you did with my story and I am grateful.

I am in Townsville (army town, Australia) - been scuba diving, now must work.


Post 2


Thanks for the feedback, I believe I haven't really given a honest review until you invited me to on Berlin. I've always been afraid of sounding too harsh, upsetting people or (as you mentioned) talking crap. I pleased you found it helpful, I just passed over the things that occurred to me. I'm also glad you weren't offended, I value the advice you keep passing onto me. By the way, Australian weather/scuba diving - you don't half make me jealous.


Post 3


Yes, know your audience. Any ideas on the questions above ?


Post 4


The 70's were before my time but I've put out my feelers and am waiting for (hopefully) facts to come back. Although in the meantime I've found this on the web which you may find interesting :

BAOR prior to 1974 was headquartered in Bielefeld and had three divisions under command - 1st, 2nd and 4th divisions - each of two brigades. There was another brigade in Berlin of three infantry battalions, a squadron of tanks and engineer, signals and logistics units.
After the 1974 reorganizations, the brigades were theoretically abolished and the "battlegroup" was introduced directly below the division. Each division had 2 armoured regiments (each 4 squadrons of 4 MBT stands), 3 infantry battalions and a Type A armoured recon regiment (one close recon squadron with five sections of 2 Scimitar stands each to be attached to the battlegroups, and 2 medium recon squadrons with four sections of one Scorpion stand and a surv section of 1 Spartan stand). Its artillery complement was three regiments - one with five batteries each of one Abbot stand (one per battlegroup); another regiment with 4 M109 stands; and the last with 1 M110 stand and 3 FH-70 stands. There was also a GW Squadron in the artillery brigade of five troops, one for each battlegroup (each troop had one FV438 stand). When the Striker was introduced a 6th troop was added which was attached to the Recce Regiment.
In parallel, the concept of independent battlegroup was applied to the strategic reserve, with the Field force. There were four Field Forces:
5th Field Force: BAOR, Two Para Bns and a Gurkha Bn
6th Field Force plus the Logistic Support Group: UKMF.
7th Field Force: Reinforces BAOR in wartime.
8th Field Force: UKLF Home Defence.
All had 3 regular and 2 TA Bns. Supporting arms were not fixed but would mostly resemble what you might think a Brigade would deserve - artillery regiment, guided weapons battery, armoured recce regiment, signal squadron, an engineer regiment (-), AAC squadron, transport squadron, ordnance company, field workshop, field ambulance, and a provost coy until 1982 when Brigades came back.

2nd Division was as for 1st and 4th divisions but it had one "square" brigade and one mechanised brigade (with one armoured regiment and three mechanised battalions).
From 1974 there were 2-Scout w/AS-11 ATGW stands in a divisional helicopter squadron.

A maroon beret is awarded to successful recruits at around the 20 week mark of training

Total training is 24 week CIC (Para) + 4 additional weeks on a basic parachute course

Another name for squaddie is totally unique. There is no std term, each unit had their own terms. Ironically 'Newbie' was banded about which described a fresh soldier just arriving into your unit. In reality any name you could think of has probably been used so with artistic license you could get away with anything believable.

Hope this helps


Post 5


Wow!!! That is brilliant. Thanks a lot


Post 6


Another chance for you to flex your reviewing muscles smiley - biggrin I just noticed there must be a couple of yours I haven't read. I will.


Post 7


That was A2994087

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