This is the Message Centre for U832688


Post 1


Hi Jen

Hope you're OK smiley - biggrin - I've just been looking at the horrendous prices of the DVDs on the Virgin Megastore site. How come they're priced at £9.99 one week, and then up to £19.99 the next smiley - huh

The Christmas lists are coming in from family members, so definite plans for a 45 minute bus ride to the Decent Shopping Place (aka Colchester) sometime this week.

smiley - love

smiley - sheepsmiley - smooch


Post 2


Rich, smiley - pumpkin

Go to Tesco. Oh, no a better idea !! Try your library. Mine is greeeaaat for DVDs. Virgin is very expensive.smiley - biggrin

Alternatively, a friend could maybe make some for you.

How are you. Reading anything interesting ?

That's a Relief

Post 3


PS Sorry,smiley - pumpkin, meant to say (lurve the new voice) I have unsubscribed my membership this am.

Yes, yes, I know that's what I always say, but the e mailS have been sent - belt and braces for me - so am on the beeb's check list of things to do this sunny day.

May see you in the coffee shop ?

Bye, Rich, it's been smiley - ermdifferent,



Post 4


smiley - huh

Was that a new message (as of Tues. 16 Nov. 2004?) - are you really leaving???

Come baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

smiley - love

smiley - sheepsmiley - smooch


Post 5


Stop it smiley - pumpkin!! Everyone's looking at you. Disgraceful !!

smiley - ermwhat message of 16/11 ! I never sent you anything !!! (Once whatsit, twice shy)

We are on borrowed time here.........3rd e mail in the morning.

(A 'complain about this message' would delete my account so much faster).

bye smiley - sheep


Post 6


Hey, smiley - sheep
, is Nick still broken ?

smiley - bigeyes


Post 7


Er, yeah, I think so.

If you type in will be redirected automatically to the entire alternative set of BBC messageboards, which includes R1, R2, R3, BBC1, BBC2, etc.

Clicking on the alternative R2 boards, I see lots of posts from people who were previously on Nick's site, so I guess that board being used as a temporary site, until Nick's one returns.

Any idea why Nick's site had to close?

It happened very suddenly, around the time Scott came out...

smiley - sheepsmiley - smooch


Post 8


Dear smiley - pumpkin,

H said that S went into technical detailssmiley - biggrin
Otherwise, no idea. H also said she had to re-register, but like you, I never used the site so won't be going back.

I keep waiting for my e mails to be picked up by the Beebs, but nothing as yet.

See ya, smiley - sheep


Post 9



smiley - sheep

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