This is the Message Centre for U832688

Making contact

Post 1

Pond Girl

Morning Jen

I had an e-mail from H saying that you would be in contact with me. You can do this via our 'Water Margin' website if you have the details or you can get the info from PP.

I hope life is treating you well and that all your health probs have been sorted. I'm struggling a bit at the moment so I haven't been around on the boards much.

Look forward to hearing from you.

PG smiley - kiss

Making contact

Post 2


Hiya Penny !

Just about to try and find Water Margin webside. But, of course, I have PP's e mail so could write to him,

I hope you are all right health wise. It's a bind when everything's not going right isn't it ?

Take care, hope PG and PB are fine,



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