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Jen's record collection

Post 21


Jen, you should have seen babykins!

Tiny fingers, tiny toes with tiny toenails, but everything there!

Bc tenderpants

smiley - chick
Sorry, I love this smiley!

Bc smiley - redwine

Jen's record collection

Post 22


Oh, how lovely. A tiny boy baby or a tiny girl baby ? Or just a lovely baby ?

Bye cherub.....

Jen's record collection

Post 23



a beautiful baby girl (but all boys and girls are cute at that age)

Little smiley - chicks, so helpless.

Bc no plans for reproduction (ethical concerns) - nothing to do with possible partners but I ponder too much!
Bc from smiley - mars?
Yet I like other people's children - mainly because they BANG tell you the truth, always!

She's called Zoe (the baby), father nowhere to be seen during pregnancy, now wants contact again! Those things make Bc's blood boil!
Luckily the mother has no intention whatever to renew contact and rightly so.

Bc smiley - footinmouth acrobat! smiley - zen
smiley - ant this one's for Lady R.

Bc singer/songwriter
first single
'If you can't stand the beat, stay out of the disco'
release date: soon smiley - laugh

Welcome to smiley - planet Bc, Jen!
Enjoy your stay smiley - cool

smiley - kisssmiley - magic

Bc smiley - pumpkin

Jen's record collection

Post 24


'Moi, je t'offrirais des perles de pluie
venues de pays ou (with accent) il ne pleut pas
je creuserais la terre jusqu'àprès ma mort
pour couvrir ton corps d'or et de lumière
je ferais un domaine ou (with accent) l'amour serà loi, ou (with accent) l'amour serà roi ou (with accent) Jen serà reine
Ne me quitte pas
ne me quitte pas
ne me quitte pas'

smiley - brokenheart

Bc blue smiley - cry

smiley - hug

Jen's record collection

Post 25



I got to go nowsmiley - sadface

That's a beautiful song. Don't make me cry will you......

Jen's record collection

Post 26


smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - run

Jen's record collection

Post 27


I don't want Jen crying.

Won't give you whole text then.

BTW the song was 'Clouds across the moon' by Rah Band (1985)

Better tell Guy you're taking him to Scotland in 2019!

X-mas is fun, will miss Jen though!

smiley - wah

But that's a long way off! First Jen talking like a real italiana!smiley - laugh

Seriously, good luck, I bet you'll enjoy it!
You have my full support. Bc little mecenas.

Jen's record collection

Post 28


Thank you, Bc. I will need all the luck in the world. Trouble is,I am not like you as I am lazy about doing homework.

Guy will be thrilled about Scotland in 2019smiley - laugh

I have made a note of your song and will go to Google later !



PS You are so clever !

Jen's record collection

Post 29


Beecy is aware of that, dear Jen

Mind you, Bc is also very thick!

And very very silly!

Jen is muse ... which means everything fair and good, babe!

Bc smiley - loves Jen as a friend!

smiley - cuddle

smiley - elf

Jen's record collection

Post 30


It's all right, Bc. I am not going to pounce on you !!!!

We're friends not lovers.


Jen's record collection

Post 31


smiley - wow

What a long thread this is!

And 2019!, what a long way to go.smiley - laugh

Will your hips be as tiny, Bc wonders...

You can always blame 'time' if something goes funny.
Bc always does!

Pizza today!With pesto and mozzarello and tiny ienie weenie cherry tomatoes (BTW is there a tomato cherry?).
And Cabernet Sauvignon, my ole ole friendsmiley - laugh
Cornetto Cappuccino as dessert.

However, app comes first.
Crisps bolognese taste with something non-alco:
Ice Tea deep green!

No eel tonight.

Bc tummy making strange noises already.smiley - laugh

smiley - runsmiley - smoochsmiley - run

Bc smiley - wizard

Jen's record collection

Post 32


smiley - ermsorry about the previous thread. Women eh ?
In 2019 I shall be slim as I am today. Perhaps I will have no skin at all on my bones at allsmiley - wah

All right, that's it. What weight are you ?

Consider this: one banana, one apple, one bottle of water, oh, and a chicken pie with wedges and half a lager (Grolsch). Am I still under 1K calories.

It's no wonder your tummy is grumbling, it's full smiley - laugh

For God's sake, Beecee, forgo suppersmiley - biggrin


Jen's record collection

Post 33


We, the Bc's of this world don't know our weight.

I'm like that man with the four legs of Leonardo da Vinci. It has a name, can't remember.

smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - run


Jen's record collection

Post 34


Virtuvian Man ? He was naked. If you're fat you cannot be naked. it's not nice.

Jen's record collection

Post 35


I'm not fat and I'm not Rich Dee!

Lie detector: ---------------------------------------

Ok, glad we got that sorted out.

Bc always drinks water

Lie detector: / / / / / / / / /
| | | | | | | |

Jen is 28

Lie detector: <,<;;:<:=<,<<,<;,<<,<;,<,;:<,,;<,<<:,:<;,<,:;,,<

Straight line, so must be a yes!

it works!

Bc smiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - ok

Jen's record collection

Post 36


Aw come on ! It's 12.18 Sunday am. I DON'T care who who are. Stop toying with me.

I admit that I'm T thensmiley - biggrin

Do you still love me..........

Jen's record collection

Post 37



Of course I love you, as a friend that is.

My mother's cats: 1 tiger and 1 black. They had to do a liposuction for the black one before they could sterilize her. Oh, I do love them, even though they pat you on the back when they don't get any attention.smiley - smiley

Jen pets?

smiley - footprints


Jen's record collection

Post 38


Yes, some cats and dogs........

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