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Bedtime story part 16

Post 1


Rich totally galloped past David and Vic, dismounted in the vicinity of the stables and ran up to the castle. He pushed Jeeves aside and fled upstairs, bursting into the salon where Lady R. was hopelessly searching for the veiled hat.
'Hello, you must be Lady R. Simperley-Simperley'
Lady R. was scared stiff and muttered 'ah..erm..yes. And you are...?'
Rich's tone hardened :'You know damn well I'm Jen's teacher, Rich Dee-Caff! Now I have the impression you don't want to see me. Why is that, I wonder? Your face looks very familiar. Think I've seen you years ago.'
The lady was looking for an answer: 'I am sure you are mistaken!'
'No, I don't think so! Hey, now I remember everything, Lady R. or should I say ARTEMIS FORTESCUE?'
'Don't!' sobbed Lady R.
Rich, softened by the scene before him, toned down and took Lady R.'s hand:'Don't worry, I am not your enemy. Please answer me, you can just nod, is it true you are the sister of Bronwynn and Caitlin Fortescue?'
Lady R. nodded.
'And is it also true they died at the stake?'
The lady gave way to a new outburst of tears and at length nodded.
'And... now people who think YOU are a witch are trying to bring you there as well?'
Lady R. wept uncontrollably.

'David, can I come out now?'.
David, who had totally forgotten all about Vic, took her by the legs and dragged her onto the grass.
The couple had no idea what to do next.

In the afternoon, Jen and Fly arrived at Pondopolis.
The place was beautiful, there was much bustle and little streets, parks and ponds were interwoven meticulously.
The girls stopped when they saw a couple of women busily at work on the borders of the so-called WASH POND. There was a large fountain in the middle continuously spawning a white powder into the pond.
Fly was stunned. 'Hey Jen, look at that!'
An old woman was busy fishing for garments. When she took them out, they were ultra-clean. The clothes were then hung on a pulley for drying.
Another lady turned her head around, dried her hands and came up to the two girls.
'Jennifer and Catharina!'
'Welcome to Pondopolis. I'm Pond girl, married to Pond boy, mother of Pond lad. The two persons last mentioned are the main reason I'm at this wash pond! You can call me PG!'
The woman had a wreath of palm leaves on her head and was ornamented with many many beads. Her feet were being cosy in sandals.
'You probably won't remember me, but I've seen you two girls on numerous occasions. Unfortunately, we were robbed in Taramasalatania and decided it would be safer for us to move away and build a whole new city.'
'It reminds me of Venice, only with ponds' said Fly.
'Thank you, Catharina. Now let me take your things and I'll show you the place where you'll stay. You might be a little bit surprised. Come with me.'
Apart from the fact that Fly walked under the pulley and had to see off a pair of drying undies gone astray, the threesome were in good spirits.

'Pondopolis it is, everything under control.'
'Can I have a little fun? Me and water ey!'
'As long as you're careful, I can't refuse you having a bit of a giggle, I guess'
'Oh boss, I can hardly wait! OVER'


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Bedtime story part 16

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