A Conversation for Falun Gong - an Evil Cult?

Stranger than fiction

Post 1


This is fascinating and scary in equal parts. We see Falun Gong practitioners frequently outside the Chinese Embassy in Dublin; no one could look less threatening, they gain one's unstinting sympathy by being peaceful, silent, transparently innocent and cruelly oppressed. Ireland was once called the land of saints and scholars; it is now a land of tigers and economics, and the patience and unselfishness of Falun Gong followers can strike a reverberant chord in the folk memory.

But . . . who can foresee the future doings of a united band of apparently deeply deluded believers?

Stranger than fiction

Post 2


Had to reply to a post with a Bad Religion song as its title!

It does seem like something to watch. I was handed a pamphlet about it while in New York city. (I've also recieved a pamphlet from the raelians there). I wonder if master Li has shown anyone his levitation skill recently?

Stranger than fiction

Post 3


never heard of this religion but if micro chips can work successfully perhaps chakras in the forehead can pass on images there are clairvoyants afterall

Stranger than fiction

Post 4


I was a bit skeptic once, but after try it out, you wont really believe that miracle still happens in this century. my fellow practitioner's parkinson 90% cured and he never take medicine anymore. me myself have a so much higher resistance for flu, so before making judgment I think its wise to try it for yourself. with so much recognition from around the world I think this is not just a believe also, but a reality as what I and my friend has experience. just check it at http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/special_column/recognition.html or to see more health benefit check http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/136/

Stranger than fiction

Post 5


Wow. Any comment on this, from http://www.apologeticsindex.org/f02.html#racism

>>In Li's view, the races are not to be intermingled. Mixed-race children, he notes, are a symptom of societal decline. A race has its own particular "biosphere," and whenever children are born of a mixed-race relationship, they are "defective persons." Li contends that heaven itself is segregated. "Anybody who does not belong to his race will not be cared for. I do not just say that. It is really true. I am revealing the secret of heaven to you."<<

Looks a little . . . intolerant?

Stranger than fiction

Post 6


On the same point, from today's New York Times:

>>...recently at Pennsylvania State University ... about 90 students took complex genetic screening tests that compared their samples with those of four regional groups. Many of these students thought of themselves as "100 percent" white or black or something else, but only a tiny fraction of them, as it turned out, actually fell into that category. Most learned instead that they shared genetic markers with people of different skin colors.

Ostensibly "black" subjects, for example, found that as much as half of their genetic material came from Europe, with some coming from Asia as well. One "white" student learned that 14 percent of his DNA came from Africa - and 6 percent from East Asia. The student told The Daily Collegian, the student newspaper, earlier this year: "When I got my results I was like, there's no way they were mine. I thought it was just an example of what the test was supposed to look like. Then I was like, Oh my God, that's me."<<

Stranger than fiction

Post 7


Hi just want to say that I have practiced Falun Gong for about a year now and have noticed a great change in my health and outlook on life. By following "Truth, Compassion and Forbearance" whether at work or at home I feel more and more at peace with both myself and others. Falun Gong isn't a formal organisation like a religeon - friends just read the book together or just bring a stereo to a park to practice the exercises. Personally I love practicing Falun Gong, there is nothing dictatorial or controlling about it, and it allows the individual to practice as little or as much as he/she likes and in one's own time.

Stranger than fiction

Post 8


What shouldn't be forgotten is that Falun Gong is being persecuted by the Communist regime in China. At least 2600 practitioners have been tortured to death. The branding of Falun Gong as an 'evil cult' comes directly from the CCP and has coloured peoples' perception of the practice the world over. Is it right that millions of peoples' lives are destroyed because they refuse to give up their belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance? Whatever you may think about Master Li's views, and however they are misquoted on various websites, freedom of belief is the cornerstone of a free society. Has anyone considered why the practitioners in China refuse to give up their beliefs despite this brutal suppression? Could it be because Falun Gong works?

Stranger than fiction

Post 9


I am entirely sympathetic to the plight of the innocent practitioners, and humbled by the wonderful example given by the teachers and followers of Falun Gong, and I find the oppressive response of the Chinese government absolutely impossible to understand or condone. And it does truly seem to work. I won't be joining up myself though; and that is becasue of the teachings, which I cannot accept.

Stranger than fiction

Post 10


i daresay one could practice truthfulness, compassion and forbearance without all the claptrap that goes along with it; and learning it from the mouth of sb who cites desputable opinions, half-truths and disinformation as unquestianable fact.

but i understand people might desperately need to be united in something that looks deep and complicated, especially confused people.

Stranger than fiction

Post 11


You have to remember that some of these miricles could just be phsychological. With the right mind state it is easy to overcome illnesses so that instead of being a heavy burdan they are just a small inconveniance. I do not think that Falon Gong is evil though some beliefs are a bit eccentric but the chinese persecution is just horrific. I am not sure this is entirely true but i have heard rumours of the chinese government taking organs of live Falon Gong members and selling them and then disposing of the corpse in a incinerator. There are also reports of concentration camps. I am not sure if this true it is just rumours i have heard and stuff i read off a leaflet and of internet sites.

Stranger than fiction

Post 12


by David Matas and David Kilgour


Stranger than fiction

Post 13


call it odd, call it unusual, or call it unique: but learning the essence of Zhuan Falun is to believe in something truly profound, something beyond everyday understanding... how do you think Jesus' peers and skeptics perceived His disciple Peter walking on water? Fascinating Yes, scary No.

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