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The Debate on the legalisation of Abortion

Post 1


Fisrtly : I assume that there is only a debate on this subject because there are women who want to have abortion legalised.It would be quite senseless to debate the legality thereof if no-one wanted an abortion.

Definition : STD(Sexually transmitted disease)
I define an STD as the unwanted biproduct of a sexual act.

Bearing this definition and the fact that a certain subject wants an abortion in mind,an unwanted pregnancy can be classified as an STD.An unwanted biproduct of a sexual act.What this implies is that abortion is just a cure for an STD and therefore should be legal.

Secondly : Reasons for an abortion might include insufficient financial capabilities and also insufficient emotional maturity(mother not yet life-wise equipped to successfully raise an infant)
This brings about the argument of why ruin 3 lives(biological father,mother and infant) when only one entity need be denied existence.All of the above are heavily dependent on the first assumption.
A substrate for claiming that the infant's life will be ruined if it were allowed to be born stems from the fact that at its conception it was unwanted.
(note : will expand and articulate in second draft)

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The Debate on the legalisation of Abortion

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