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Post 1


my first day here... and found loads of interesting things to read. Some informative and some funny.smiley - smiley I got up at about 6am and done all the usual Saturday morning things. Including walking to tesco's to do some shopping.I'ts now 4.20pm and I am sitting here slightly bored and listening my partner snore on the sofa behind me smiley - smiley and he is 15 years my junior!!smiley - biggrin


Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hello and Welcome... you will find you will receive replies when you add friends to you list..just pop into the PS of someone you late and click on Add to Friends List... and there you go... also if you leave them a message, they will then know and perhaps they will add you to their friends list too!

Enjoy hootooing

lil xx

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