This is the Message Centre for Art

Writer's Block:

Post 1


that state of mind which homo sapien sapiens enter when they have spent too much time
pondering the question, What's the point?"

My son pointed me to h2d2 after sending him the following e-mail message:


How are you holding up? When are your procedures to take place? Wish
that I could be there to give you some support. Truthfully, it's been
one of those days when I've spent most of my time wishing that I could
just be there! My life in Israel, once again, is bringing me down -
Guess that it's more boredom than anything else - I'm tired of
conversing with myself. But, living in the States still seems to be an
impossibility - Or, perhaps I'm just too chicken to make a move away
from my security... Think that I'll call up Vince's Pizza - What do yo
want on your half?

Send me some words.


Guess that the real reason for my boredom, my "writer's block" (or thinker's, or doer's block),
is just having too much free time to think about "the point of it all."... But, it's the one question
from which this homo sapien sapien just can't escape... This leads me to another question:

Is the state of mind, writer's block, reality, and all else simply an escape?

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