This is the Message Centre for lil_fred333

dark starlings

Post 1

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

I take it your probably already a member, but if not join, and in any case, add me to your friends. I am Navigatorblack there.

dark starlings

Post 2

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

no.. Ive never seen this before :P hehe.. but I did!
my names Saxdomine and I am totally lost on here.. :P
fordsmiley - cheers

dark starlings

Post 3


what is it?

dark starlings

Post 4

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

its a wierd sorta blog community thingy... its cool!
fordsmiley - cheers

dark starlings

Post 5

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

Very cool. Except for the morons on it..

*that does not incluse me!*

dark starlings

Post 6

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

lots are nice.. I have two friends from there already smiley - smiley
fordsmiley - cheers

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