This is the Message Centre for lil_fred333

It's midnight.

Post 1


Wow. I guess I lost track of time. Last time I looked at my clock it was 10:00. Now its 12:40 AM. Ah well... I can't sleep anyway. I have sealice from the beach and it ITCHES LIKE HELL! I showered off really well too. I don't have it in the normal places, like where my bathing suit was. Oh no! I have it on my lip, foot and armpit! On my lip! Do you know how painfull that is? Plus I have a huge cut on my hand because I was really smart and decided to poke a huge crab witha pincher twice the sized of it's body to see if it whold snap at me. Guess what? It did. It tryed to EAT MY FINGER!

Sorry. I can't sleep, and I'm bored... and I'm lonly. And I don't know how to use this thing or do anything on this web sight because I'm new, and technoladgly challenged. And I also can't spell. So It any body would be kind enough to talk to me and help me fix my problems, show me how to do stuff, or at leat pretend to care... my sealice, slice finger and I would be very thankfull. smiley - smiley

It's midnight.

Post 2

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

man! h2g2 just makes time fly by doesnt it? i got on areound 6 and its already 7 30!! sheesh... i gotta go to bed soon, wake up early on three day weekends! unimaginable!!
fordsmiley - cheers

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