This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Nicky to FG

Post 1


Hello again. I thought I'd answer at a bit greater length over here rather than on the thing about pre-moderation, which isn't likely to be a chatty sort of place, I don't think.

This is familiar and yet not, isn't it? The big drawback is that it isn't about fiction. Why have this and not that? Oh, it was HORRIBLE yesterday when GW died. I was the second last to post - PenJen's just registered after mine. My husband came in just before that and I had to explain why I had tears dripping off my chin.

Things are picking up more or less from where they were on GW over at Writer's Dock. There are a lot of the same people showing up now - it's much busier than either MSN GW or MoreWriting. Will you be on one of those? I know there's emails, but it's not the same as being in on conversations, is it?

Talk to you soon. smiley - hug

Nicky to FG

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Nicky,

Nice to hear from you.

It is all a bit confusing. Some threads are linked to GW and some aren't, some will let me post and some say I'm in pre-moderation, and some say I've contavened house rules (when I haven't). I'm sure it will sort itself out in the long run.

Yes, I have joined up with Writers Dock. Hope to see you there. I'm going to take part in the 'Small but perfectly formed stories' group and 'First Two Paras' group. I haven't learnt how to do anything on WD yet, like the best way to post stories etc. But now Get Writing has closed I will go and look and learn.

I missed saying goodbye to everyone on GW as I was under the impression it closed on the 25th. I logged on in the evening of the 24th, and was too late.smiley - wah

It is very sad. There has been a wonderful bunch of helpful people. Let's hope that Writers Dock can be as congenial. I have learnt so much from the challenges on GW - and it has given me so much more confidence in my writing.

Have you got this wonderful sunshine where you are? I'm sitting here at an open window, with a cup of coffee - everyone else still asleep. Peace!

See you on WD!

Luv, Fats.smiley - cheerup

Nicky to FG

Post 3


Oh, GOOD, I'm so glad you found my answer!

I've just been over on WD, and found a message from Jnce, now calling herself Janoz, and she was asking after you, hoping you'd find your way over there. There's already an Insomniacs' thread, and I think we should also start an Interminable Ramble, which nobody there has done yet, although I've seen one somewhere else - maybe MSN GW. (Just thinking of the places I regularly saw you on GW.) I'm sure you'll soon get used to what is where: it has its own kind of 'logic', like most of these places!

Yes, the weather's lovely here in Dorset, too. I've also got total quiet, and some writing to get to. Nice air, tweeting birds, the cat wandering by from time to time - that'll do me!

Nicky to FG

Post 4


Hi Nicky and FG. I am starting to settle in here. Going to learn Guide ML if I can.

You can post fictional works and poetry on here you know. I have had my poem This Flesh on the front page of the Underguide and my short story Red Letter Day has been picked to go on there soon too.

I had extremely good, constructive feedback for both pieces. The Alternative Writing Workshop is a good place to sub fiction and poetry to.

I have also found that I can branch out now on here and start writing non fiction articles.

I am on WD but not in there too often. I prefer the GW colours and style of More Writing (where the interminable ramble thread is going strong now) and I also joined Great Writing just to keep an eye on it to see how it develops.

Hey, I got a Sponge Bob Square Pants easter egg and key ring today!!!

Nice to find you both on here. Hope we can keep in touch here as well as the other sites.

Love and Hugs.


Nicky to FG

Post 5


Oooh, Spidey, nice of you to drop in! (I got a mental picture of this little thread being let down!)

I didn't know there was any provision for fiction here. Can you save me some hunting by telling me how to get to the place(s) you mention? Thanks for telling me.

What's Guide ML? And where is Great Writing? - is that another GW spin-off? Incidentally, have you ever had a look at Cafe Doom? I think some of it might be up your street.

FG, Serin and Janoz have been posting about still hoping to see you over on Insomnia on WD. Have you had directions from anybody? Otherwise, I could email you a link if you want one.

Nicky to FG

Post 6


A3724508 it's A Red Letter Day, you might have read it on GW. I have altered it a little.
A3661526 This was also on GW. If you go will see more about the different sections of H2G2.

When I submitted my pieces I did so to the Alternative Writing Wordshop. They were then picked up by a 'scout' and I was asked if I would like them to go in the Underguide.

GuideML is the erm, code they use here instead of HTML. If you click on the icon at the top left hand corner of your screen and go to the front page there is a link at the bottom on the right which takes you to an explanation of H2G2.

Hope you had a nice easter.


Nicky to FG

Post 7


Howdy Nicky, Fg, and Spidey, Just being a site tart, why buy a book when you can join a library hey? Not really feeling totally settled like most of us refugees I suspect! But I do think I will spend a bit of time in here, as I have been raking around in it for a while. Flameofgold gave me the alternative writing site some time back. It seems my dual identity log in is still plauging me, I am also in here as Serinedippidydog, it would at one stage not let me in as Serindippidydog, so I openened another account, now it seems this one is the primary account...I just can't help double dipping (lol)

I hope you all had a good Easter, and please keep in touch, smiley - hugSerin

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