This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Hi Fats

Post 1


Hello FG,

I have come across a new researcher who is interested in joining possibly the Para's or one of the challenge group.

Her name is CaroleHudson.

Any chance you can contact her and give her a few further details.


Flame smiley - magic

Hi Fats

Post 2

the fat gardener

Hi Flame,

Have just got your message. I will try to contact her, and leave a message of welcome.

Hope everything is going well for you.

smiley - okFats.

Hi Fats

Post 3

the fat gardener

Dear Flame,

I did a search for CaroleHudson, under GW members and it came up with nothing. Do you have her contact details?

smiley - okFats.

Hi Fats

Post 4


If you press on this link it should take you to her personal space.

Hi Fats

Post 5

the fat gardener

Hi Flame,

Thanks for the link. I followed it, and left Carole a message, just now.

Mmm. Lovely sunshine here.

smiley - smileyFats.

Hi Fats

Post 6


Hello FG smiley - smiley Carole has been published so she's a very good writer.

Unfortunately haven't found the time to do an entry for the 2 para's this month. My company wanted me to do a training course, so for the past 5 weeks I've been busy writing up a project and studying for the exam which was last Tuesday. Thankfully I've passed. smiley - bubbly We are reorganising at work, so even had to attend an interview for my own job on Wednesday.... What a week, lol. Glad it's over.

Will try and create an entry this weekend, but it's doubtful smiley - erm

Flame smiley - magic

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