This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 1


i cant wait till this winter is over then i come 2 life in my garden lol ,i agree with u life is short but y spoil it by giving us winters lol

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 2

the fat gardener

Hi Shifty, nice to hear from you.

We've been planting raspberry canes over the past week or so - it's been sunny but cold here - down South in the Chilterns.

Off to hang up washing - bore - and then to bed!

smiley - run

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 3


wheres are u i mean how far south

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 4

the fat gardener

We are half-way between Oxford and London. On the hilly bit.

Where are you in Scotland?

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 5


iam in stenhousemuir its near stirling

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 6

the fat gardener

I hear you might be having some strong winds tonight - hang on to your sporran!

I've just started a group for aspiring novelists - to experiment with beginnings - called the First 2 Para's Group - perhaps you'd like to check it out. Only 2 members so far - but it's early days.

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 7


yes but its a bit milder as it has been i sure would like to check it out wots the addy

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 8

the fat gardener

'First 2 Para's Group', found under groups, or at the foot of my portfolio page.

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 9


how u doing down there

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 10

the fat gardener

Hi Shiftyshug,

Sorry to take a long time to reply - have had computer problems, and have been busy with 'stuff' - such as debts etc.

How are you? Are you travelling down for the party in Birmingham? I'm hoping to go - but not much in the party mood at the moment. I always enjoy myself once I'm there though - wherever 'there' is!

How's your writing going? I've not written anything worthwhile for a while. Hoping to grab some time this weekend for Spiderbaby's 100 word challenge.

Bulbs are popping up in the garden - I put in loads of late ones in November - crocuses, fritillaries, anemones, snowdrops, and bluebells under the trees.

Have discovered some new narrow lanes near us - and a path up through the woods to ancient earthworks. Lots of hunters with guns around though.

Scotland! I'd like to go to Eigg one summer.

smiley - oksmiley - choc

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 11


ive never been to eigg yet but probley get there oneday , i just tidy the garden on wed there i think that was the onlt dry day we have had here this side of the year.

it wont be long till garden time again

Post 12


if only it would get a bit warmer

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