This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Hello FG

Post 1


Hello FG, Haven't seen you around for ages, how's it going? Are you still writing? I hear the GW site is under threat of closure. It will be a terrible shame if it happens.

I'm Xmas shopping tomorrow. I always say I will start early but I never do!

FOGGY smiley - magic

Hello FG

Post 2

the fat gardener

Hi Flameofgold,

How are you? I haven't seen you around at all.

I've been busy doing other stuff, but have squeezed out odd bits of writing - 60 word challenges etc. I was hoping to do a late Nano (novel writing in a month - people did it in November) in the New Year, and perhaps start a group writing the first two paragraphs of a story. I was going to start it this month but the threatened closure put me in shock for a bit. Also it's a bit hectic at home.

How is your writing going?

Good to hear from you.

smiley - cheersFats.

Hello FG

Post 3


Hello back! I hadn't been around so much, real life got in the way of writing, I felt it was becoming quite demanding on my time so I had a bit of a break. Getting back into the swing of it again though. I just finished my Xmas shopping today, or rather it just finished me. I spent six hours in the shops, and my feet were aching by the time I'd finished. So glad it's all done! smiley - smiley

Your writing group sounds really good. Would you write the first part of the story and then others finish it in a set amount of words? If so, I wouldn't mind having a go at that. Maybe you can tell me more.

Talk to you soon

Hello FG

Post 4

the fat gardener

Hi Flame,

Sorry, didn't log on till today.

The group was going to be for each person to write the first two paragraphs of a novel. This was to get practice with openings - as most people think this is the most important, impressionable bit. It was going to be run a bit like Spiderbaby's 60 word challenge thread, where there is a choice of 4 titles each month and you pick one to write about. Then the later part of the month was to be for 'freestyle' entries - ie you write trial beginning for a novel you think you might want to write etc. It was for feedback/inspiration.

I don't think I'm going to be able to get it going till after Christmas now as I'm bogged down, as most people are.

It would be great to have you aboard if you fancy it.

smiley - cheersFats.

Hello FG

Post 5


Hi! Yep I'm interested so maybe you can let me know more nearer the time. smiley - smiley

I've submitted a Christmas Story to the GW review forum. I expect it works the same way as the forum in h2g2. I'd be really pleased if you could take a look at it sometime as I'd like the feedback. The A number is A3425393.



Hello FG

Post 6


smiley - erm Sorry Fats, wrong A number - that's the h2g2 number. The A number for GW is A3425771.

Hello FG

Post 7

the fat gardener

Dear Flame,

I read your Christmas Story, thought it was lovely. Well done!

Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

smiley - hollysmiley - mistletoesmiley - redwinesmiley - reindeer

Hello FG

Post 8


Dear Fats,

I do appreciate your comments. A bit of a sentimental story but I guess this time of the year brings it out in me, lol. Too late in the day to send it off anywhere this year, but I've worked on it a bit more and maybe I'll try and see if I'm lucky enough to get it into print next year.

Will join your circle after Xmas if you will have me!

Hope you have a wonderful Xmas and keep in touch,

Best Wishes,


Hello FG

Post 9

the fat gardener

Dear Flame,

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Of course it would be great if you joined the group. Hope to set it up between Christmas and New Year.

smiley - hollysmiley - redwine

First 2 Para's Group

Post 10

the fat gardener

Dear Flame,

Happy New Year!

I've just started up the First Two Para's group this morning - would love it if you wanted to join.

smiley - okFats.

First 2 Para's Group

Post 11


Hello FG, Happy New Year to you too! I'd love to join, what do I need to do?

First 2 Para's Group

Post 12

the fat gardener

Dear Flame,

If you go to the bottom of my portfolio, the First Two Para's Group is listed there.

It should also be listed under the Groups section on the left of page green buttons - but it hasn't come up there yet - perhaps there's a time delay.

Look forward to you being a member - I will check back in 2 hours to see if your request is there.

Must clear up after last night - after only 2/3 hours sleep!

smiley - smileyFats.

First 2 Para's Group

Post 13

the fat gardener

Dear Flame,

I've just logged on, and approved your application for membership, sorry for the delay. Thanks very much for coming on board. Would you like to be a joint owner? Just let me know and I click a button and hey presto!

There is only the two of us so far - but it is early days. I will do a bit of promoting. Then after the 6th January I shall try to post up my entry for the challenge, and maybe start a new thread on synopsis writing. Any articles etc found online might be useful.

Cheers, FG.smiley - biggrin

First 2 Para's Group

Post 14


Hi ya smiley - smiley Glad to be on board! I'm not really sure what joint owner is so I think I'll pass on that for now. I'm also not sure how this challenge works (I know very little about GW) but maybe I will learn more as it moves along.

Let me know if in the meantime if there is any way I can help.

Talk to you soon,

Foggy smiley - magic

First 2 Para's Group

Post 15

the fat gardener

Cheers Foggy - it's just great to have you involved.

If you have any ideas about synopsis writing then that would be great for a different thread for the group, or any ideas about what is a good start to a novel - ie is it suspense, setting a scene, beautiful language, a surprise, a new angle?

smiley - cheersFG.

First 2 Para's Group

Post 16


hi smiley - smiley sorry, I've been caught up with another couple of things I am writing. And now to your question. I think there are many ways to start a novel. It could be any of the things you mentioned, plus a thousand more novel ideas. In my own mind, no matter what the opening - they all need one thing in common, something to keep the reader interested, something that makes the reader want to discover what happens in the story, something that makes them care. It's a bit like fishing, casting the bait.....waiting for the reader to bite....and then reeling them in. (Doh! I don't know how to fish).

Sorry to be a bit dim, smiley - erm but I have no idea how this group thing works, what I need to do or where I need to post.

Hopefully you will explain what I need to do.....

Flame smiley - magic

First 2 Para's Group

Post 17

the fat gardener

Dear Flame,

thanks for your feedback.

About the group - there is a thread called 'First 2 Para's Challenge' which is the group's main thread. It should come up automatically in your conversations section in your portfolio, as you are now a member of the group. Also it follows on from the page with the group's details. It is the place to put ideas, chat, and to enter the groups first challenge - if you feel you'd like to.

Details of the challenge are there - but to recap - it is to write the first 2 paragraphs of a story, with the title being a choice of 4 given:
A New Beginning
The Strangers
Path to Friendship
Crescent Moon.

The deadline was meant to be the 10th January - but as we are only just beginning I think we should have a few extra days to write if people would like.

Then we can crit each other's entries. It will just be a starting point to bounce ideas around, and to learn more about writing 'beginnings' hopefully.

Then if you have any story beginnings from your own writing projects that you would consider posting up, for review etc, then that would be fantastic. Hopefully we can get inspiration, ideas and learn from each other.

smiley - okFats.

First 2 Para's Group

Post 18


Hi Fats, smiley - smiley So sorry - I hadn't even looked in the group thread since I joined - as I was caught up in writing a short story. I just had to keep working on it until it was finished. Anyway, I've done that now and have started on my 2 paragraphs tonight. Hopefully I'll have it finished quite soon. You did mention there would be a few extra days to finish off.... Hope that still stands.

Flame smiley - magic

First 2 Para's Group

Post 19


Hi again, smiley - smiley I've finished! Hmmm, I know it sounds quick, but I think this entry will be fine. Do I just make an entry as normal - and then post the A number in the group thread? Ordo I need to post it in GW?

First 2 Para's Group

Post 20

the fat gardener

Fantastic Flame!

Great you've written something for the challenge! Yes, please post the A number in the group thread.

Well done.

And yes, I've extended the deadline, just this month, until the 15th January, as I know Serin and Enig have been very busy, and maybe it will give them more chance to take part.

smiley - cheerssmiley - cheers

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