This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Thanks everyone!

Post 1

the fat gardener

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you, while most of us are still here on the site. You've been a wonderful group of people and I have learnt such a lot from reading your stories and from your reviews. It has given me much more confidence in my writing.

Also it is sometimes very enheartening just to swap anecdotes and have a laugh.

Also thanks to those who are putting up such a good fight to save the GW site (such as PenJen).

Lots of love to you all, and good luck with all your future ventures.

smiley - goodluck

Thanks everyone!

Post 2


Aww, Fats, thank you too, I have always enjoyed a chat and a craic with you. I have also loved your 60/100worder stories and look forward to them everytime. If there was going to be a prize for the best story of the year, it would have to your 'Clipped Wings' one of the most evocative pieces of writing I have read in here.

But I hope to have more times with you, we still have a while to go and people are trying to find somewhere for us all to land our aegean blue boats.

Always a pleasure woman


Thanks everyone!

Post 3

the fat gardener

Hi Lynda,

Thanks for your support. You're one of the writers I look up to and learn from.

Maybe someone should start a thread for a true anthology of what WE think are the best bits of writing that have been on here. Unfortunately some people have already removed their work.

I was dumbfounded at the unique humour in a story about Naturism that was posted late last year (a recommended read by Spiderbaby) but I can't remember who wrote it. Maybe someone else can?

See you in Birmingham?

smiley - cheerssmiley - stoutsmiley - goodlucksmiley - runsmiley - zzz

Thanks everyone!

Post 4


smiley - star Awh... Dear Fats,

I share the same sentiment and with the wee Missus up there above too - Me celtic sista! smiley - hug

It's been a rollercoaster of drama, fun, friendships, beautiful words and creations - Thank-you for you always being you and so funny with it too, Fats!

I remember first meeting you on Spidey's' Ramble Thread', then the 'Insomanics Thread' many moons ago and all your gardening tips and your wee midnight danders out to your new back garden and how you thought that the last owners might have buried treasure or dead bodies there!

I have a mental picture of you shuffling down the stairs in slippers like the Ma wears in 'Tom & Jerry' and making yourself a wee mug of Hot Cocoa and peering through the kitchen curtains at the wildlife frolicking in the garden and then there's your wellies too, when you and Mrs Fats go a-treking, and you're reading Austen or Bronte and scribbling a wee 60 worder and a bird comes down and sits on your shoulder and you gather wild flowers and Mrs Fats has a flask of tea (or whisky) for you both and you love Bambi and you know what? I'm gonna miss this place and a wonderful buddy and soul like you!

AND we will have a brilliant time in Birmingham and WILL stay in touch, I intend to.

It's been a wonderful year for the roses, don't you think?!

Jen smiley - hugsmiley - rosesmiley - peacedove

Yes, I remember that piece too - it was exceptional and by a guy who was due his first novel out too, from what I remember. He was only a member here for a very short time and used his real name. You could find it from one of Spidey's journal entries where she recommended his piece about a couple of months ago. Hope that helps.

Thanks everyone!

Post 5


Can't really add much more to that Potty, cept for love your humour, and your down to earthness, Serinsmiley - smooch

See you on the 2 Paras....You know I will natter you to death till you get over there (lol)
Serinsmiley - dogsmiley - hug

Thanks everyone!

Post 6

the fat gardener

Hi PenJen and Serin,

I shall miss everyone, but you two really are stars!

I wished I lived in your imagination PenJen - the romance of life in the woods, with Bronte and a hipflask - it sounds lovely. (I've ordered some ankle boot wellies, with elasticated sides from Homebase - funky hey!) But you're almost exactly right with the midnight hot drink and watching out for wildlife and stars! Except we live without curtains downstairs because we can't afford them and no-one can see in as we're surrounded by trees. (Funny how we can afford bookshelves and wine)

Your poetry and poetic prose is awesome. I imagine your life, with a bookshop like 'Black Books' and writing newspaper articles, and a lovely cosy home, with a real fire, full ashtrays and a fridge with not much in except a few cold beers. (I'm probably really wrong - I bet you're a great cook - throwing together interesting dishes with filo pastry, prawns, coriander and chilli sauce.) I imagine you out at the pub a lot, laughing with friends.

Serin me lovely, you really are the most friendly, lively, funny, loveable, cheerful, wigwaggy, energetic person I've ever met in cyberspace. I would love to meet you one day!

smiley - goodlucksmiley - hugsmiley - dogsmiley - cheerupsmiley - run

Thanks everyone!

Post 7


Awh... Fats,

Thanks for making me smile and smiley - blush too. You're right on 'Nearly' everything.

I quite the 'Bookshop' Christmas week yet still work in a library. my litle room, where I am now has three walls from floor to ceiling in books and music. I am the worst cook you'd EVER meet. I burn hot water and try to defrost spagetti. Full ashtrays, fridge of beer, pub sessions with friends, real fire place - all correct and more. We can find out other truths abd delights when we meet next week and come back and tell Serin all the craic! smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

Please wear the ankle boots!

Jen smiley - goodlucksmiley - kisssmiley - hug

Thanks everyone!

Post 8

the fat gardener

I really have to thank you all again. What a great bunch of friends you've all been.

I have learnt such a lot; it's been phenomenal how everyone's writing has improved with challenges such as Spidey's 60/100 worders. Reviewing has been really interesting, and many stories and poems have been inspirational.

On down days you've made me laugh!

Thanks again to all the people who designed, run and edited this site. What a shame that all your hard work had to come to nothing.

It was fantastic while it lasted and hopefully has spring-boarded most of us to further writing.

Luv, Fats.

Thanks everyone!

Post 9


Hey FG. can we post to each other on here now then?

Thanks everyone!

Post 10

the fat gardener

Hi Spidey,

Nice to hear from you!

Not sure if this schism in cyber space will let us through permanently. Some threads seem to be working, some don't, some say I'm in pre-moderation, some say I'm contravening house rules. It's all a bit confusing.

I thought Get Writing was going to close on the 25th and logged on to say goodbye to everyone on the evening of the 24th, and was too late.smiley - wah

Also was looking forward to sitting with a glass of wine for the farewell party.

Anyway, hope everything is going well for you. Looking forward to the first 'small but perfect' challenge on WD. Sorry, haven't visited your Big Red Sofa much. Hope it all goes well, and your poetry group!

Luv, Fats
smiley - cheerup

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