A Conversation for What to do when you are attacked by a camel (UG)
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kaleidescope Started conversation Jul 30, 2004
Have you noticed that babies often stand there staring at you and drooling? Do you think this could be a sign of potential madness too? By the way, I thought your entry was great and as a teacher it's actually a great way to get children learning about camels and the desert etc.
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flyingtwinkle Posted Jul 31, 2004
drooling is not a sign of potential madness in babies or in camels but i think camels can be aggressive if stared at whereas babies can"t attack
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J Posted Aug 1, 2004
"babies can"t attack"
Don't be so sure.
Sure, gaggles of babies don't charge at you like so many camels.
Given, their muscular ability is somewhat limited.
And conceded that they don't know what's going on more than half the time...
Babies can attack though. Generally, it's a retaliation and symptom of an attack of colic. But I tell you that I would rather brave the attack of an ill-tempered man with an axe than risk my chances with a whiny infant. Brave men have surrendered at loud crying, dropping them to their knees to make funny faces and noises like 'gaggle'. Their sounds and smells have hijacked whole airplanes.
Not mad? Not attacking?
You're mad.
Camel's are not evil.
Deau Posted Aug 1, 2004
There is only a limited amount of evil in any Camel. Mostly, if upset, it is only because they are trying to solve complex mathematical problems that often, they've only created themselves. A Camel takes no pleasure from this, it cannot help it. Once you understand this, you understand the Camel ethos and to understand, is to forgive.
Blessed be the Camel that finds balance in his equation.
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kaleidescope Posted Aug 2, 2004
I agree. All decency and maturity can be swept aside by these small innocents, and suddenly there's nothing you won't resort to for a decent night's sleep. i've seen it all before. But what advice do they give you on how not to get attacked by a baby?
Camel's are not evil.
kaleidescope Posted Aug 2, 2004
If that be the case then i detect that their mathmatical tendencies must be the source of their evil and therefore we should NOT teach maths to any human as we need to stop wars etc. Sound good?
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