This is the Message Centre for Murf

Please talk to me about Buffy or Monty Python

Post 21


it's ok
they said it would heal in time
though the mental scars may never fully fade

Please talk to me about Buffy or Monty Python

Post 22


You said *ie. me* and I was agreeing!!
(slumps back into unconsiousness)

Please talk to me about Buffy or Monty Python

Post 23


do you think we should hit him again
*thinks about it*
*hits smeagol*
*regrets it*
never mind, he'll live

Please talk to me about Buffy or Monty Python

Post 24


I am going to kill you both. Ha ha ha

Please talk to me about Buffy or Monty Python

Post 25


you are meant to be unconsious (i can't spell now after being hit with a mallet)

Please talk to me about Buffy or Monty Python

Post 26


Shut up about the god d**n mallets.
*Rips hair out*

*says ouch*

Please talk to me about Buffy or Monty Python

Post 27


has anyone else noted that this is completely off topic now

Please talk to me about Buffy or Monty Python

Post 28


yes, we noticed about 10 posts back. thanks for joining us in the land of reality. it's very scary here you know, i'm not used to it
*leaves reality for a nice room full of brightly coloured fish (or is it a room made of fish?)* ah, that's better...

Please talk to me about Buffy or Monty Python

Post 29


what is it with you and fish hey ok thats weird ive just noticed the emblem next to h2g2 in the top left coner of the page and its really cool i didn't notice it b4

i have been in reality for the last 4 years every since i met a certain random person

i just haven't been paying attention to it
*shrugs and offers up a hopeless smile*

oh well

Please talk to me about Buffy or Monty Python

Post 30


hey now you are all sleeping i can come and hit you over the head with a mallet to wake you up tee hee

im going to start up a new conversation about something completely different if it doesn't work ill just come back here and sulk again

if you don't understand just ignore

Please talk to me about Buffy or Monty Python

Post 31



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