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London Still (for now...)

Post 1


Hi all smiley - smiley

Not much happening, just thought I should put another entry in here, and note that it is a year since I came to London looking for a job. It's been a good year overall. I've enjoyed my time in London, it's an amazing place, and one that is well worth spending time in smiley - smiley

But I also think it's time to move on, and thus I'm planning on heading up to Edinburgh in the next week or 2. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but the extra month here has me convinced - it's time for a change of scene.

I'm getting an immediate change of scene tho - I'm off to Barcelona for a few days with a friend, and heading north up the coast, so I should get some more nice weather and some beautiful new places smiley - smiley

Right now I'm sitting in the bar where I work, using free WiFi Internet and listening to some great Aussie music, being played to the whole bar via my MP3 player. I've been introducing my unwitting customers to some Stella One Eleven, Powderfinger, Whitlams, Weddings Parties Anything, and loads of other top Oz tunes smiley - smiley Currently my aussie colleague has gone with some SuperJesus, Waikiki and Waifs - it's all good!

Ian, you'll be happy to know there's some Super Furry's in the mix too smiley - smiley Rod - your cds have been a great source, and are some of my favourite tracks - Bob Evans 'For Today' is still my theme song smiley - smiley

That's it for now - more when I've actually done something!

Take care all smiley - smiley

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London Still (for now...)

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