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London Again

Post 1


Hi all smiley - smiley

Yes, I'm back in London, and today started a new job - at a bar in north central london. I'm also going to do some shifts at my old housemates bar, while one of his colleagues is on holiday. I'm living in a hostel in Marylebone, where I used to work, which is very convenient to both my jobs, and for catching up with my friends in london.

Since my last post, I've been in Paris for a few days with Helen and Cade, which was great. Saw the Sacred Heart Basilica, Arc de Triomphe and Champs Elyssees, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, wandered around Montmartre and walked past the Moulin Rouge - all good. Came back to London by bus (long and boring, but OK) then went down to the south coast for the weekend, which was nice.

I decided to stay in London for a bit longer, as I'm planning on going to Barcelona in early september, and then my friend Craig will be around, so it will be easier to catch up in London.

After that I'm still planning on heading up to Edinburgh. Id like to suss out work and accomodation prospects as well, before i go up there, so we'll see what happens.

That's all from me for now, love to all, take care smiley - smiley

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London Again

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