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A wedding, baptisms, and family history

Post 1


Hi All smiley - smiley

Just a quick line to say I got up to Newcastle with no problems and had a great time at Heth's wedding smiley - smiley I stayed a few days with her mum and sister, hanging out with Heth, Andy, Chris and Jo, which was great smiley - smiley Also, I did some research into the local family history.

My great grandfather (my father's paternal grandfather) was born in a village called Howick in Northumberland, near Newcastle. In the county records office, located in Morpeth, I was able to find his baptism record (17th May 1889) and also that of his younger brother Alan (17th May 1892), parents: William and Caroline Mary, abode: Howick School House. Also found a 1891 census entry for this address listing another brother John V. (age 4). The highlight tho was a school logbook, with 11 and half years of entries written by William, which also referred to sons George Edward, Walter Herbert (possibly aka Bertie) and Edwin. William and Caroline started work at the school on October 31st 1887 and finished on February 23rd 1899. It wasn't the most exciting reading - catloguing absences, illness, religious instruction from the local reverend, school inspections, the state of the girls sewing skills etc. but it was kind of cool reading something written by my great great grandfather 120 odd years ago!!

It reminded me a bit of reading the follow on books from Anne of Green Gables when she's a teacher at Avonlea - if that means anything to anybody!!

William and Caroline were both born in Sheffield, Yorkshire, (probably in 1861 and 1862 respectively) which is where I am tonight, in the hope of finding baptism and marriage records for them, and possibly more information about their families smiley - smiley

After that Im heading back to London, and from Friday, hanging out with Kristin and Ryan and Pete - Yay!!

Love to all smiley - smiley

A wedding, baptisms, and family history

Post 2


Hi Carol

Look - I finally did it! Thanks heaps for that account of your research into Stanley's background - well done! I'm glad you had a good time up North, and also that you got safely through London's crisis. Recently I sent you an e-card for your birthday and another one saying I put some money into your visa account as a present, so I hope you can retrieve the dosh in due course. Let me know if there's a problem!

All is well at this end, except for the fact that it's winter in Canberra - strangely, I never seem to quite get used to it!

I've been trying to find the contact details for your 2nd cousins in London, but Margaret and Jacko are not responding to my email. Actually I think they might be in UK as I recall some talk of a canal-boat trip. I may try and contact Graeme instead. Will let you know if I get anywhere.

Keep on having fun.

Lots of love, Pat

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A wedding, baptisms, and family history

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