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I got a job!!

Post 1


Can you believe it? Someone is actually willing to employ me...

I'm working in a pub called the Mason's Arms, near Marble Arch in Central London smiley - smiley It's run by a friendly young Irish couple, and seems like a good spot. They're training me from scratch, sonce I've never worked in a bar before, so it's all pretty cool. The only slight flaw is that it's 25-35 hours a week, which at 4.80 an hour doesn't stack up to a lot against 70-100 quid a week in rent...

But I'm going to send my CV to some temping agencies and see if I can pick up some other work around it.

And in the meantime I'm looking for somewhere to live, so I'll write more when I've settled in a bit smiley - smiley

Incidentally, I was forced back here by a nice $2000 HECS bill from the government, as they apparently weren't taking it out of my tax. Bastards...

Cya smiley - smiley

I got a job!!

Post 2


good for you!

i'm sure we all knew you'd get employment - and a pub sounds much better than an office...

I got a job!!

Post 3



Go Carol!

And I agree, by the way. Why work in an office when you have the chance to work with genuine Pommy soccer hooligans - apart from the money?

Oops. Just answered my own question, didn't I... smiley - winkeye

hehehe... Glad to hear you're still alive and having fun!

I got a job!!

Post 4


Cool, working in a pub can be a valuable skill, just try to resist being paid in beer smiley - winkeye

Good to see you've made it to London town, hopefully the GIS work will pay better. And with extra luck you'll have some nice quiet, dedicated, interesting and friendly comrades too. (today brady is non-stop chat!)

Weather here is bewdi-ful (just thought i'd share that)

Good luck with the accomodation!


Kris - stay tuned for a call or an email, I might be canberra side soon and hit you up for a MDBC tour smiley - smiley

I got a job!!

Post 5


Hi guys smiley - smiley

Thanks for the messages smiley - smiley

Did I mention the guy I'm working for is Irish? I definitely won't be trying to keep up with him in the drinking stakes... I think it is a useful skill to have tho smiley - smiley

Today I'm off to see temp agenices - hopefully there'll be someone who's heard of GIS smiley - smiley And I've got an interview for a hotel receptionist job so we'll have to see if I can fit it in with the bar work smiley - smiley

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