This is the Message Centre for CJ-Maranup

Galway and Work

Post 1


Well, I said I would try and write on here more often, and I'm actually doing it!

Since last post - I had dinner and drinks with Lorna, Ben, Greg, Hannah and Linkon, then the next night with Kerry, Jen, Vince and Ron, and caught up with Beth and Diego on saturday before flying out at around 10pm.

I finally got back to Galway about 2.30am, having spent an exciting 2 and a half hours waiting at Shannon airport for the bus. Had fun navigating thru the drunks in the streets and eventually got a taxi!

Sunday was spent settling in and doing some grocery shopping, then went for a few quiet drinks with Sonja, Greg and Mario.

Today I started my new job! Data entry - mmmm smiley - smiley Excitement plus! Actually it's not too painful - certainly the time passes quickly, and it's less tiring than bar work (altho a full day in front of a computer was a bit of a shock to the system!). The people are nice, and it's my first experience of working with Unix. O my god - no rodent! No Microsoft messing things up! Reminds me of using DOS on the old 286, back in the day...

Hopefully tomorrow I will get some bedding from the landlady, as I currently feel rather like I'm dossing - with my sleeping bag and some couch cushions on the bed! But I have my own room - yay smiley - smiley and walking into town to catch the bus to work isn't too painful (altho it wasn't raining today, which isn't likely to continue...)

What else... Got the password to use the wireless broadband in the flat - hence this post! Also I cooked dinner tonight - stir-fried chicken, baby corn, mange tout, carrots and mushrooms in soy sauce, with brown rice - not bad, if I do say so myself... And I had salad for lunch! so healthy... Didn't go for a swim tho, maybe tomorrow...

Right, enough trivial nonsense... Oh, if anyone is interested I have been increasingly sucked into Bebo (you may have heard of it) - you can look at my home page here:

More soon! (probably...)

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Galway and Work

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