This is the Message Centre for CJ-Maranup
Yes, I am still alive...
CJ-Maranup Started conversation Feb 19, 2006
Oops - it´s rather a long time since I wrote on here!
About life now - I´m working for the Council, doing a somewhat dull admin job, but I´m happy that it pays better than catering, and enjoying working 9-5(ish) as I only have to do 35.75 hours per week!
In my spare time, I´m trying to exercise every day, doing kickboxing on Mondays, and otherwise mostly doing classes like BodyCombat (which is a bit like aerobics, but the moves are taken from martial arts) or BodyBalance (which is also to music, but with bits of yoga and tai chi). There´s also a thing called BodyJam which is dance based, and quite fun but because they do the same routines for 3 months, after 3 classes of it I am getting a bit bored. I´ve been swimming once or twice as well. I´m definitely getting fitter, but still can´t get into my old trousers from home!
I´m living in a flat with 2 guys, one south african and one spanish, so I should be practicing my spanish more than I am, including right now because there is a bit of a fiesta, and a game of ´Risk´ going on, and the conversation all around me is in spanish! We have broadband in the flat now, but the modem doesn´t plug happily into the USB port of my computer, so I generally have to use my flatmate´s.
I´ve made some good friends here, and am still working occasionally for the catering agency partly to stay in touch with them. On Friday I went to a friend´s birthday party, which was a great night Tonight I´m meeting some girlfriends and going to see Brokeback Mountain, which hopefully will be good.
Well, that´s all I can think of to blather about at the moment, but I will write more soon!
Love to all, I will try and email you all soon!
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Yes, I am still alive...
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