This is the Message Centre for CJ-Maranup

It's been ages

Post 1


since I last posted on here. As usual, I've been keeping busy, mostly working lots - still catering stuff. Highlight of the moment is that tomorrow I'm moving from the hostel where I've been for 2 months into a flat! Yay! A room to myself!! It's a 3 bedroom place, which I'm sharing with a spanish guy and a south african guy. Quite a nice place, decent location, and much cheaper than london. So I'm pretty stoked about that, and we all are keen to get internet access, so hopefully I'll be better about emailing and blogging from once we sort it!

Otherwise, I've booked my train tickets to london at the end of the month to see Faithless (one of my favourite bands of all time) and a trip to Sweden and Norway in december to visit my friend Ann, and go to my cousin's wedding smiley - smiley

Life is good smiley - smiley

Right now tho, I'm knackered and have to move house and work tomorrow!

Love to all smiley - smiley

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It's been ages

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