This is the Message Centre for dreamcatcher


Post 1


Hi there. I really enjoy your work. Every now and then I dedicate a good amount of time and just go through someones entire set of works. It helps me get a good sense of how to develop style.

I'd like to go read everything you have. One question. How do you get that special sort of posting on your work, where your id appears in the topic? Does that happen when you post a reply on your own piece? Im curious since it seems to spur people to review... ?

smiley - chick


Post 2


Hello Fingerof Chicken,
Was this meant for me?
I'm not sure which posting you are referring to......
Best wishes for christmas and the new year,
Xsmiley - biggrinsmiley - cheerup


Post 3


HI dream.

Yes this was for you. Example:

Entry: Shame - A2953965
Author: dreamcatcher - U777698

Sometimes there are things that don't go right in life......hurt by someone you love is the worst kind of upset

How did you manage to do that? I am curious because when people see it they reply to it. At least it seems so.

Thanks for the wishes. Right back to you!

smiley - snowball


Post 4


Hi FingerOfChicken,
You have to submit this in one of the short stries or poetry etc...then it gets a number assigned. I think this is how it happens!
smiley - hug

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