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note about your intro

Post 1


Children can wear you out. And if you try to be a good mom, they are even more tiring.
Mine has added fifty years to my life.

There are some really bad people in the world, and I think the ones that say they love you and then you find out they really don't are the worst. It is hard to get over them and go on to trust new people who come along.

But I think the most important thing is to always keep trying, keep going. As bad as it gets, I think if I just get out of bed each day and put on my slippers, I consider myself a success. Some poeple do not know how difficult putting on your slippers can be.

And then you walk out side and the sky is the clearest blue and the air is so vast I could just cry over the perfection of it all.

I'm babbling. Just wanted to say hi. Your intro said something to me, which is important when writing so keep it up.

Byesmiley - biggrin

note about your intro

Post 2


Oh GoldenNib!
Ahhhh! You took the words out of my mouth AND I did not think you were babbling!
When things get so bad as they have been recently on and off I feel as if I don't want to exist. (And I suppose that is another way of saying I wish I were dead!smiley - erm) Not a good thing.Then I feel guilty. And then when my kids kiss and cuddle me I forget everything. My seven year told me he is my friend and I believe him. He is beautiful and has lots of love to give. He has beautiful pools eyes and a beautiful pure heart. Now who is babbling!?
These last two weeks have tested me to the limits - and its not only the children. Its people at work who behave like infants. My 12 year old - I drove him all the way to the school and wished him a good day.. 'I've forgotten my book bag' I cannot describe what I felt! I drove back hoime and then back to the school. And then to work! This is after dropping the 7 yr old too! I told him that next time he would not get off lightly and would have to have detention for forgetting his books.
Watching the Odd Couple 2 - very funny!
Hope you take care of yourself, because I do know what you mean when you say u age 50 yrs! Talk to you again!smiley - smileysmiley - hug
Today my student I look after at work made me laugh. We were trying to hide a card and I had notpockets so I asked her. So instead of putting the card in her pockets she stuck it in the back of her trousers and then did a silly walk!smiley - cheerup

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