This is the Message Centre for dreamcatcher


Post 1


I've not seen you around for a long time and I thought I'd look you up to see how you are.

Two things I wanted to bring up with you:

1. I was genuinly inspired my red devil cat man and I used the vivid dream concept in one of my stories (The Daily Fail is to Blame).

2. I'd really like to add you to my friends list but I want to do the gentlemanly thing and ask you if it's ok first. So, what do you say?

Why have you been away? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to; I find you really interesting.




Post 2


Hello KJsmiley - hug
I'm glad I could help! Haven't got back into the swing of anything yet....but will sson.....
Please add me as your friend. I enjoy hearing from you and chatting with you!, I had a quick look on your portfolio and know you have changed it. Didn't finish reading ....will soon.
I have been to Tenerife - which I did not realise was a volcanic island.....interesting scenery but only got 2 days to explore. The children wanted to be near the pool! My seven year old learned to swim without armbands.....smiley - biggrin
smiley - hugsmiley - cheerup


Post 3


Hi dreamcatcher smiley - hug

I'm so please to have your friendly support.

Please tell me more about Tenerife. My brother is going there with his girlfriend at the end of the month.

Me ves y sufres (I don't know much spanish)

I learned to swim when I was seven too; a very good starter age.

Speak to you soon smiley - biggrin



Post 4


We stayed at Puerto de Santiago, near Los Gigantes. These areas are more family orientated. If you really want to go clubbing and see the mad nightlife the best roughest place is Los Americas!
There are the volcanic mountains that are worth a visit if you like scenery and steep drops.
Apparantely the 10 commandments with Charlton HEston, when he thorws the slabs down in anger was filmned there (I saw the steps that he walked down onthe mountain!) Parts of Star Wars and The running man was also filmed there.......
Plenty of places for romantic sunset walks and wining and dining.
So when and where are you going on holiday - or have you been? U don't have to answer ofcourse!


Post 5


hmmm that's a tricky question to answer.

I was supposed to be going to Singapore to see my friend but then I was declared seriously ill by the NHS and this had far reaching consequences. I can't work; I can't drive; I can't leave the country.

Sounds cr*p but I'm not to upset. smiley - smiley

Where are you going on holiday is very much a hairdresser question. Can I have a fethered crewe cut please?


Post 6


Oh Dear ....Poor KJ.smiley - sadface
Well, I know the are plently of things to do at home too - so you could have a 'home holiday'. We've done that in the past and it just as fun.smiley - smiley
I hate flying and the travelly bit unless I am in first class (Heehee - wishes....)

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