This is the Message Centre for dreamcatcher


Post 1


Hi Dreamcatcher

Thanks for your contributions to the site- I've been checking you out and it has been an entertaining experience.

Just dropped in to say hi and to be a bit anal. Do you really have a crazy personality? Having viewed you're comings and goings I'm not convinced that you are crazy (taking the literal meaning). I don't want to judge so please don't judge me but I just find some striking similarities in the way we operate- but you know the boundaries.

Thanks for raising my eyebrow.



Post 2


Glad I raised your eyebrow.....if you knew me in person I would raise both of your eyebrows (unless you only have one ofcourse!smiley - biggrin)
Maybe I need to revise my portfolio information. I thankyou and take it as a compliment that you think I am not crazy. smiley - weird
My crazy personality: smiley - weirdhmmmm...I think I am much reserved on this site and have kept a strong wall so that I don't share that side of my personality. It might come out in my writing...but might not have yet.smiley - chick
At work I make jokes about anything and I guess the whole team have a chuckle. smiley - laugh I really do not like miserable people around me. smiley - cheerup If I am to go to work, I want to work in a pleasant place with fairly pleasant people. And it OK to share problems when you all know and trust one another (love?)
You do not (or maybe you do.....) want to meet me at a party. I need no alcohol to become completely wild and loud.smiley - redwine In fact I begin to look very much like the Gremlin smiley - monster in the second movie - the one whose eyes go in different directions and although cute, capable of doing very naughty stuff. I usually only say naughty things and make people laugh with some of my past experiences. I will have to share them with you through my writing sometime! I think people are so afraid of admitting to things that have gone's all image. I have no care that I should project a beatuiful image.....apart from if I think I'll get fired! Need the money you'know...debts, bills and mortgage....haven't we all?smiley - sadface
I would be interested to know which similarities we have (and I say this in a positive way!).I will check out your portfolio and writings to find some of this.
Do you have difficulties with the boundaries? I think people have different lines drawn around them....a decision you make and then stick as close as possible, knowing that one cannot be perfect!!smiley - smileysmiley - cool
Nice chatting and hope to have lots more!!smiley - hugsmiley - ok
Bettter get to that workplace thingy....smiley - smiley


Post 3


Hello back,

Perhaps you are a madman after all but a conrolled madman I must add.
I'm classically crazy and I don't always stick to the boundaries i.e. I have lost jobs in the past and I have made people hysterically laugh/cry.

If you'd like to try and get your head round the idea of being crazy thenI suggest that you read my infromational piece A2849367(it's based on my illness).

I don't want to venture to suggest what we have in common yet because you may feel unconfortable. But in the meantime please will you direct me towards your work- which piece are you most proud of and why?


Post 4


Madwoman Dreamcatcher actually! Does that change how you talk to me now? Hope not!
I hope you don't make me hysterically cry.....I don't mind laughing though! I do enough of my own crying without anyone having to encourage me!smiley - biggrinsmiley - wah
OK I'm trying to think which one of my works I'm proud of. (None really....) Honestly I do not know. I have different things going on because I don't know what I am good at. You might like to read the Red Devil Catman - sorry don't know how to post the number here. But that shows the persecution of someone who is guilty of nothing but gets blamed and accused etc..... It was a nightmare I had actually so I am turning it into a story instead.
smiley - hugsmiley - cheerup


Post 5


KJ - do you like smileys?


Post 6


Hi Dreamcatcher,

Madman is in the dictionary but I'm not sure if madwoman is (collins dict is still not quite pc you see). So when I say madman, I mean ir generically and I would have sent you the same message regardless of gender. (I think most people on this site are female aged 25-45).

I don't have a problem with smileys but they do radiate a more female identity (give away).

I'll have a look at Red Devil Catman over the next few days and hopefully give it a detailed crit.




Post 7


Have a good day!
Going for half hour walk now! haven't been for over a wek, feel like a big blob smiley - monster
smiley - smiley

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