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My little butterball

Post 1


Wow! I never expected that!!!smiley - wah

A simple little rhyme, but what an ending!!! Was it deliberate to use a simple and deceptively basic style and then unleash a hammer blow?

It shocked me.

Excellent stuff!!!

Not true life, I hope!

My little butterball

Post 2


Yes - it was based on a friend who I went to visit. The baby was lovely and I held him in my arms and it was holding an angel from heaven (maybe thats my next title for anothe poem about him). She took him to the hospital for a checkup becaus he was not keeping his food down. He was diagnosed with Floppy infant syndrome - a genetic disorder where all muscles deteriorate. The prognosis was that he would die very soon. He survived a whole year after that. Very painful. I don't think I really got across just how painful it was....but perhaps words cannot express that pain.
I will probably try to make it better at some point.
My friend has a son and a daughter now - both doing OK.
My friend used to call him butterball because he would curl up in your arms.
That was the fist time I heard the term butterball.

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