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'scuse me for asking but...

Post 1


Let me get this straight.
Its a cat. It's red. And it's the devil you say?
Is there something you want to tell me?

'scuse me for asking but...

Post 2


I did notice your were call Red cat and hoped you would not notice! smiley - blush
I'm sorry! It does not refer to you. smiley - biggrin It was a real nightmare when I was not well at one time and I thought I would take inital steps to record it here! You are probably a nice cat. But the one in my story was an evil one - not related to you!
I think cats are beatiful creatures - the best cat I saw was my friends tortoise cat! Red paint brushed into deep black fur! Beautiful.
Hope you have a nice W/E
smiley - cheers

'scuse me for asking but...

Post 3


I should have said 'You sound like a nice red cat....not 'probably' a nice cat. By the way - Do you like cats?
I don't have any - but I have friends who have cats.smiley - run

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