This is the Message Centre for Andmymare


Post 1

Marcel Wilde

I do appreciate your critique of my short story. You've given a lot of your time to this and I realise that there are not many posters here who are willing to do so with such interest and selfless generosity. I'll do all I can to return the favour and will keep an eye out for your postings. I think I'm going to nominate you for 'poster of the month' if they'll listen.

Not long to go now and we'll all be ditched into other sites. What a pity! This site has really given so many people the chance to post, comment,receive comment, in a way that I don't think any other site does (so far as I can see - and I've had a good trawl through the competition!).

Let me know where you end up when this site dies.

Thanks again.

Marcel Wilde.

smiley - disco


Post 2


My dear Marcel Wilde,
let me disabuse you of at least two misapprehensions you carry; nothing I do is selfless and I am generous only with that which gives me pleasure.
Please nominate one of the truly selfless and generous souls who've been working behind the scenes since the announcement of GW's impending demise; KittyRed, PenJen, all those who have been letter writing and organizing petitions and takin the pulse of the community (and of course I can't name them all because I have not been paying close enough attention)
As I have said I will probably land on Writer's Dock at least for a while; but the MSN Get Writing group is viable and there are some awfully tasty looking sites (Coastmoor's Pennine Publishing for one) and an Irish one I forget now.
You're welcome and Keep writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smiley - tea

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