This is the Message Centre for Andmymare

From Beans.

Post 1

Beans on Toast

Hi Andy. I need a favour
These stories of mine. I have an agent who wants me to package them in a more personalized way to make the whole thing more reader friendly. She wants things like…why I joined…training…early characters I met etc.
I have written a forward…Then a story from my first week on the job…Then a chapter called ‘Beginnings’.
I have just posted Beginnings on non-fiction and wondered if you could take a look.
If you have time, I really need an honest opinion as to whether it works or not. The reader would have to get passed it to enter the book and I am worried that it might put him off. I find it hard to be subjective unless I am writing one of my ambulance stories.
I am hoping one or two other people will help as well.

(Congrats on the @Editors Pick by the way.)

From Beans.

Post 2


Oh Beans I would be happy to do it! I'm just leaving work now so won't be on for who knows how long....oh this is so exciting!!!!
Can't hardly bear it, good thing I won't be driving. Thanks for asking will get back to you soon!
Um, don't mind a good luck kiss!
well I mean after all it's only a little picture...............smiley - smooch

From Beans.

Post 3

Beans on Toast

It was only a little one, but it was nice.

Beans.smiley - loveblush

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