This is the Message Centre for Weaver

Love ya babe

Post 1


... have a good one and cya in the New Yearsmiley - smooch

Love ya babe

Post 2


Right back atcha, Sweetness

smiley - kisssmiley - loveblush

Love ya babe

Post 3


well hello stranger, so glad to see you here, are you around for a while, I want to E you a messagesmiley - winkeye


Love ya babe

Post 4


are you still about?

Love ya babe

Post 5


Yes still here, have got the cold, so amusing myself reading through a few threads on heresmiley - laugh

Love ya babe

Post 6


Have to go do real life stuff for a min, Catch you later sweets if you're still about

Love ya babe

Post 7



I know it's a bit out of date, but did you check out my epic 1000 worder, 'Santa's Secret'?

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