This is the Message Centre for Weaver

My wheelers and weavers!

Post 1


My eyes went crazy ,
I thought you were writing and replying to yourself! That's because I have done that once!
I read you Jul entry.
Is the world going to blow up at the end. I was in suspense. Did she know what she had done?
I'm not a very political person - but I my favorite bit was the fact that she was the cleaner! Good read and I like the way. Good luck with the competition.smiley - ok

My wheelers and weavers!

Post 2


I liked the count down at the end.

My wheelers and weavers!

Post 3


I don't really know.

It's for the reader to speculate where those 'messages' were headed, and indeed, what would happen when they got there, but the story assumes the display screens made it perfectly clear to Rebecca

You're not the first to confuse us, I think, which would explain a couple of other odd responses I've seen

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