This is the Message Centre for Weaver

Hi, folks

Post 1


Just wanted to find out whose friends list I was on. Hope I'm not too disappointed!

Feel free to drop by for a chat anytime, y'all.

Hi, folks

Post 2


Rather disappointingly (for you) you're on mine.smiley - erm

All these new fangled GW features! I dunno.

Hi, folks

Post 3


Lucky for you. If I hadn't been there, I'd've been coming round for a chat...

smiley - biggrin

Hi, folks

Post 4


Oh am I a folk now? Hope I'm reincarnated as a wee folk. Power to the people!
I thought you might have been involved in a really long poker game. As are we all. lol
smiley - hug

Hi, folks

Post 5


On my list and in my heartsmiley - winkeye

Hi, folks

Post 6


I once sat in a floating draw poker game for 24 hours straight. In that time the host only left the table to scrounge fags off his none too impressed girlfriend, who'd spent most of the night making snacks and fixing drinks. Those were the days...

Hi, folks

Post 7


You're all beautiful.

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