This is the Message Centre for Menza

Work work work

Post 161


I think that this will be my normal time from now on! Oh I have missed you lot! smiley - smiley

Work work work

Post 162


*Looks at heads going up and down*
It's unanimous - we've missed you too.
Tell us all about life at the Lottery.

Perhaps it needs a new thread, though.

Work work work

Post 163


No, don't leave me. Not when I need you all the most. The thesis is in (well this was the purpose of the forum) with the usual last minute catastrophe as that git called Fate points the finger of evil at me and says


In that oh so annoying way. But like the Murphys I'm not bitter. smiley - sadface

Work work work

Post 164


Oh Menzarse I am sure that it was brilliant!

Vestie and I have every faith in you!

Work work work

Post 165


Well, I managed to loose my program. The night before it was handed in. Was that bad timing or what. smiley - sadface

Work work work

Post 166


oh blimey what happened? *looks v concerned*

Work work work

Post 167


I meant continue on your site on the same theme - we won't leave you now... not when you REALLY need us. Have you got any sandwiches?

Work work work

Post 168


Sandwiches are to be found at

Work work work

Post 169


Sorry I was not about Yesterday, I was other wise engaged. The exact method of loosing 3 months work is long and complicated and I shall post it up here somewhere over the weekend. Needless to say that although it was my actions which lost it there was a serious element of Act Of God about the whole situation.

Work work work

Post 170


is it ok now?

Work work work

Post 171


Not realy but it was handed in 3 pm yesterday so its a bit late now to complain. smiley - smiley

Work work work

Post 172


*puts her arm round his shoulder* It will be fine.

I have this philosophy - do you want to hear it?

Work work work

Post 173


Oooooo, I like philosophies. I collect them, but most of mine seem to boil down to "life sucks". Go ahead. smiley - smiley

Work work work

Post 174


rigth well I am going to post it on teh continuation page cos I am fed up of downloading this conversation and i could do with a sandwich!

Work work work

Post 175


Right ho, see you there. smiley - smiley

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