This is the Message Centre for greggrren42

The first attempt

Post 1


Ok, this attempt at this so i will se how it goes.

Any way, to day has been an odd day, well more annoying than odd. I came off the back of a wonderful weekend. On Friday night i held a really good night for my local branch of the Association of Search and Rescue Hovercraft ( of which i am secretary. It was a good night although there weren't as many people there as i thought there would be, but the six of us, Dave, Pete, Tom, Brian and Carol and of course my self, had a laugh.
Any way, I had to get up very early to do some house work before my parents came back. Did that and then nipped of to the Hovercraft museum, as i was meant to be getting in some flying time with Pete and Dave. Any how, with the weather being just grand, there were too many people on the beach, so i came home, to then have and argument over milk!?!! Any way, i had tea, went down to the beach, which was less packed by this time, to do some flying. Dave soon after crashed the craft on the beach, making it unservicable. So we repaired enough of it to get it back to the slipway. The tide was coming in quickly by this point so i got very wet laying down on the beach!
Any way, went round to Dave's flat about an hour later to find his gorgeous sister there, who he had hidden from us for nigh on two years! So we went out on the town, and Dave's sister and i got abit familiar by the ending of the evening, but i leave it there.
So Sunday i slept. Was dead to the world, so the woprld was dead as far as i was concerned.
So it got round to today, and my motor bike went for an MOT, and failed, lord am i pissed! Any way, hopefully it will be sorted tomorrow and i can have my limited freedom back.
So as i write this i realise i have only three weeks of freedom left before igo to Britania Royal Naval College for my Fitness and Drill Training to begin for the Royal Navy. So i am trying to think of good things to do, but its gonna be odd. Any how, thats my first life update, will leave you now and hopefully add a new message soon.


(Support Keane., the album "hopes and fears" is amazing)

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The first attempt

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