A Conversation for How did Hitler come to power in 1933?
JaktheDragonKeeper Started conversation Jun 29, 2004
Very interesting edit, contains a large amount of interesting, accurate and relevent factors, however (and there must always be one)
You have made no reference to either the 1918 Tereaty of Vesailles and the consequences of the emasculation of the German peoples and nation or of the effects on the German Volk of a prolonged and bloody conflict from 1915 onwards.
Prior to the summer offensive in 1914, the plans to engage the french in the Rhineland, freeing German troops to quickly capture Belgium and then Paris itself, were assured and guarenteed. The unexpected failure to engage the French, thier retreat back into France and the creation of a New French 6th army to support the BEF resulted in 4 years of trench warfare in Northern France/Southern Belgium.
This original defeat and thwarting of Imperial plans to defeat France, make her a vassal state and inherate her African Colonies are the real cause for the rise of National Socialism.
A further point to consider, if Imperial Germany had been victorious in 1915, thier extened European domination allied with the declining Austro/Hungarian empire could have, as stated, prevented Natioanl Socialism. It could aslo have prevented the Oxygen necessary for Marx, Lenin and Stalin in Russia.
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